The Yellow Crystal Confusion
yellow crystals
Yellow crystals are confusing AF.
Do you have a citrine or do you have lemon quartz? And what's this golden healer quartz all about?
The first thing to think about when it comes to yellow crystals is that if you're drawn to yellow crystals it may mean that you need to do some work on your Solar Plexus Chakra.
The Solar Plexus Chakra is located above the navel area. Itโs Physically Related To The Digestive System, Gallbladder, Liver, Spleen, pancreas.
A Balanced Solar Plexus Chakra promotes:
Sense of humor
Unbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra may have these manifestations:
Lack of memory and concentration
Frequent fearing
Feeling uncentered
Sugar addictions
Eating disorders
Now that we addressed the Solar Plexus Chakra, one thing to keep in mind is that each crystal has its own specific meanings and uses beyond just helping you to balance your chakra.
But you can get confused easily when it comes to yellow crystals. There are so many that look the same and some with multiple names that make it so hard to get the crystal that you actually want.
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From left to right: the palm stone and generator at the bottom are Golden Hematoid Quartz. In the bowl is Lemon Quartz (smaller ring) and Topaz (larger ring). The two tumbled stones, sphere, a small generator are Citrine.
Golden Hematoid Quartz
Lemon Quartz and Topaz
Quartz Family of Crystals
Quartz is one of the most common minerals on the planet.
Within the quartz family of crystals, you'll have citrine, lemon quartz, amethyst, ametrine (amethyst and citrine mixed together), rose quartz, smoky quartz, and clear quartz to name a few. The differences in color between each of these is determined by trace impurities within each and how much they were heated up by the Earth.
Lemon Quartz vs Citrine
If you're wondering if lemon quartz is the same as citrine - it isn't but here's what you need to know about Citrine's sister.
Lemon Quartz is a lighter, vibrant colored yellow variety of Citrine. Lots of Lemon Quartz remind me of actual lemons in terms of their color. Where natural Citrine will have orange, brown, or red tints to it.
Natural citrine is rarer and that's why people will heat amethyst up to make it look like citrine. But those you can spot a mile away because it looks like someone burned the toast. Sans the face of Jesus smiling back at you.
Highly valuable citrine has a warm, saturated yellow/orangish color while more affordable varieties are pale to smoky yellow.
Golden Healer Quartz vs Citrine
Then there's "Golden Healer Quartz" which is a trademarked name for Hematoid Quartz (this one is actually more reddish than golden yellow). Golden Hematoid Quartz or Golden Quartz are the different names for the same thing.
This variety of Quartz contains iron or is stained by iron where which changes the color of the stone to a more golden color.
Topaz vs Citrine
Topaz has a different makeup than Citrine. Citrine is a member of the Quartz family and Topaz is a different mineral. They have different chemical properties, optical, and physical properties.
The confusion started long ago, a pre-scientific study of minerals when gems that were yellow, orange, and brown were all called topaz. Sometimes smoky quartz and citrine have been sold as golden or smoky topaz.
Colors range from pale yellow to a golden orange making it another one that you could mistake for Citrine.
But know that topaz can also come in different colors like blue (usually heat-treated), purple, pink, red, orange, or even colorless. The different colors can be due to the impurities in the stone but may also be due to how their crystalline structure comes together.
If you're wondering how to tell the difference between Topaz and Citrine know that Topaz is harder on the Mohs scale than Quartz. This means Topaz will scratch Quartz and Quartz will do little damage to a Topaz.
Which Yellow Crystal Do You Need?
Pull up a chair and tell me your story. What you're struggling with will dictate what you need.
If you want to do some general Solar Plexus Chakra balancing, any yellow crystal will do the job.
If you're looking to emotionally heal, strengthen your auric field and release the fear that keeps you from the re-birth you're seeking then Golden Healer/Golden Hematoid Quartz/Hematoid Quartz/Golden Quartz is what you'll want to grab.
If you're looking for prosperity and abundance, grab yourself some Citrine. The "merchant's stone" is the go-to crystal to assist you in attracting abundance into your life.
If you'd like to bring in the optimism that you feel on a bright, sunshiny day then grab Lemon Quartz to bring happiness to you.
If you want to rediscover your creativity then Imperial Topaz, the champagne color variety, gets your mind on track and also helps in generating abundance. This stone isn't cheap as it's one of the rarest kinds of topaz.
Whichever yellow crystal you choose to work with here's an easy way to remember why you'd want to grab one is because they remind you of the Sun (making you happy) and help attract money (think GOLD) into your life.