The 10 Best Crystals For The Garden
ten best crystals for the garden
Bringing crystals into the garden is such a natural way to work with them. Obviously, the health of your backyard and garden depends on sunlight, soil composition, weather, etc. And crystals have a specific frequency and colors that make them a great choice to bring additional benefits to your outdoor space.
There are two crucial factors that you need to remember when you're looking for crystals for the garden. The first factor is sunlight. Amethyst, if placed in direct sunlight, will fade.
The second factor is water because certain stones will either erode or rust depending on their mineral makeup and will not look like the crystal you first brought home.
For some of us, that's okay because the more weathered, the better, but if you like to keep your crystals as you received them, then research yours.
Garden Goals
As you approach your garden, think about what your goal is for your garden.
Is it for you to connect to the grounding energy of the earth?
Is it for you to gather with people and have easy flowing conversations?
Is it for you to grow beautiful, healthy plants?
When you know what your goal is for your garden, that can help direct you in your research for the crystals that will help you with that intention.
While some crystals are excellent for any garden or backyard, you may want to have an outdoor space where you gather with family and friends. And any gathering means communication, so you'll want to have a blue crystal or two on hand. Blue crystals connect with the Throat Chakra and communication.
If you have family over and there's the few that are always a pain in the ass, but you have to invite them anyway, maybe grab some rose quartz to up everyone's loving vibes. Or perhaps you'll also want to bring in some transmuting crystals to nix the possibility of any drama.
Let's go through the crystals I'd recommend for a garden. You decide what your goal is, and you can then figure out precisely what you need.
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Moss Agate via NewMoonBeginnings on Etsy
Moss Agate
This one is called the 'Gardener's Stone' and helps your garden grow, almost like steroids for your garden. I guess you could look at Moss Agate as the crystal plant food for your garden.
Boji Stones
Boji stones are blackish, brown crystal made primarily of pyrite and palladium. Many green thumbs have found success placing Boji Stones in their gardens, reaping significant growth.
Boji Stone Caution: When placed in your garden, after their work is done, they will likely disintegrate into the ground and return to the earth.
Clear Garden Quartz via MidnightAuraCrystals on Etsy
Clear Quartz
This is number one the BEST crystal for your garden, or your home, or your office. Clear Quartz is the crystal you must have as it is really a true workhorse type of crystal.
However, let me give you a serious caution: This crystal is not meant to be in direct sunlight unless you intend to burn shit down.
When the sun hits this crystal, and depending on its shape and internal structure, the light can be reflected out to another spot in your yard and start a fire. Kinda like how kids would use a magnifying glass as kids to burn up ants? Yep, same thing.
My advice is to place your clear quartz in a spot that isn't likely to get extended sun exposure. A shady corner is the right spot.
Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz is the crystal for love - for yourself and others. This crystal has such a gentle, sweet loving vibration that can help to dispel lousy juju and bring in the gentleness of love. Also great to help you bring calm and peace to your backyard.
And if you have some crystals that need some TLC, too then, you will want rose quartz to place by their side.
Cerussite brings growth in all areas of your life, and that certainly extends to your backyard. It is incredibly fragile, so you won't want to buy a stunner and stick it in the garden. Find a few affordable stones and grid your garden to protect your garden (and house plants) from pest infestations.
Amethyst is a spiritual stone and perfect if you're looking to find quiet time alone. You'll find that it also transmutes negative energy while at the same time helping you to raise your frequency and achieve a state of balance.
It's also said that if you're looking to grow sage and lavender, you'll want to place some Amethyst by your plants to help them grow abundantly.
Amethyst Caution: It needs to be in a shaded area because this stone will fade in the sunlight.
Good for root growth and general health when it's submerged into the earth. Sodalite is also excellent for easy conversations.
Blue Lace Agate
Blue Lace Agate Throat Chakra stone helping those, in its presence, have pleasant communications. It's also very calm and grounding, giving soothing energy perfect for a quiet time in the garden.
Daphnite, usually, a green stone, this crystal of transformation, brings an abundance of growth for your garden. This is another stone for the person that has a green thumb.
Green Aventurine
The sparkles of the Mica within Green Aventurine may attract butterflies to your yard, but more than that, it is a stone to help your new plantings take root. It's also supposed to help protect against geopathic stress. Maybe I should order a couple of tons in preparation for the "Big One" here in California.
Blue Lace Agate via NewMoonBeginnings on Etsy
Ocean Jasper
A variety of quartz brings us, Ocean Jasper. The variety of colors that you can find with Ocean Jasper is crazy!
Ocean Jasper helps you to let go and get in touch with nature. It brings in the element of water helping you to get in touch with your emotions.
It is such a gentle, happy stone that just makes you smile when you’re in its company. You’ll find that helps you attract prosperity so if you’d like to add this to the Southeast corner of your backyard to help your plants grow (that’s the abundance). Or if you’d like to add Ocean Jasper to the Southeast corner of your home it will also work when you set to your intention to attract abundance into your life.
More Crystals To Try In Your Garden
Here are a few more crystal ideas for you to ponder... the color green for growth, red for spicy vitality, and orange/yellow for abundance.
Oh! And a couple of tips, you may want to add sand to your potting soil as sand has a large amount of quartz crystal in it. And give a gem elixir a try for watering your indoor plants!
That's what I've got for you when it comes to the best crystals for your garden and backyard. If you have any tried and true crystals that you use in your garden, I'd love to hear the results you've seen!