Navigate Through Life And Open Your Third-Eye-olite

Imagine a large group of hot-ass Vikings walking through a vast meadow. Long braids swaying in the breeze, men and women alike. A little dirty but their sculpted bodies are too distracting for you to give a crap.

Now imagine those Vikings without a way to navigate safely towards the next village they were going to pillage. How will they ever make it? And what the hell does smoking hot, Vikings on their way to a raid have to do with Iolite?

While there’s no guarantee that these Vikings were actually babes — that was just for fun — I can tell you something they were. Some lucky bastards.

Iolite opens your mind. Unknowing to them, just possessing this crystal must have awakened some intuitions. At some point in ancient times, Vikings figured out that they could use Iolite as a polarizing lens. This helped them determine the position of the sun so that they could easily find their direction. 

Iolite can do the same for you — sans lens. Helping you navigate your way through life. Find the direction you truly need to be heading in with this vision stone.

What Is Iolite

Iolite is not the only name for this blue beauty. Its official name is actually Cordierite. It is also known as dichroic because it can have a translucent look. And due to its color, it gained another name, Iolite, the name most of us know it as. Derived from the Greek meaning for violet, Iolite is a crystal of magnificent shade and color. And that earned it another name. Is your head spinning? I promise this is the last one.

“Water sapphire” was given to it because it can appear transparent. Though it is not a sapphire at all, just resembles one due to its blue color. Some of these gems give off the illusion you are high in the sky looking down into a crystal blue ocean. Foaming waves included. Thus water sapphire emerged. It’s no wonder it conveys the stillness and quiet strength of water energy. And you probably already guessed it but yes, you can cleanse this stone safely with water.  

Just as it has many names it also has many shades. We’re talking a shit ton of blue tones. Like all of them. It can look light blue, dark blue, indigo, violet, and any hue in between. It can even look grey. Being a trichroic gemstone it can appear in different colors from different angles. This little witch plays tricks on our eyes in fabulous ways.

The fun thing about this crystal is because it comes in so many different looks, shapes, and shades you can find a spot for it in any place. Unlike that hideous gift your mother-in-law gave you, Iolite looks good everywhere.

Place a piece by your bed to activate your thoughts while you sleep. Keep a stone near your workspace to give you the necessary intuition when working with a new client. A little water sapphire in your reading nook, while you study and get those grades up, could do you some good. Consider this the philosopher’s stone of the real world — Hermione would be proud.

Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor. The information on my website is derived from research, intuition, and tradition which may not be verified by scientific methods, nor advocated by government agencies such as the FDA. Nothing I say on this blog is intended to treat or prevent disease. Consult your own doctor.

Let There Be Iolite 

Iolite can shine a light in the direction you need to head towards. Associated with career and life paths, Iolite can help guide you down the path you need to be on. Whether you just feel a little lost, maybe unsure about what type of life you’d like to lead.

Or you feel Tom Hanks stuck on a deserted island, best friends with a damn volleyball, realizing that you have made some hella bad decisions along the way and you might not survive this one, type of lost.

Grab yourself an Iolite crystal and light up that energy. Follow it to your destiny and get the hell off of that isolated island. Open your mind’s heart and easily determine which path is right for you. Iolite can help you see a clear way forward. 

Use Iolite if you realize you find yourself continuously repeating the same patterns. You may ceaselessly return to the same toxic types of relationship. Or you can’t maintain a job. Or you push people away who are trying to do good by you. If you are finally screaming at yourself “what the hell am I doing!?” This crystal is a must-have. 

Iolite is said to aid in bringing out your inner genius. So dust off some books, get your gears grinding and learn some shit. There might just be a little Einstein in there waiting to jump out and kick some ass on trivia night. Iolite can guide your mind and bring out the wiz within.

It has also been known to help those suffering from addiction. The Iolite stone benefits addicts by helping them understand the cause of addiction. Then assisting in the release of those addictions. With serious practice and sobriety, this stone can be a true blessing for those in recovery.

Find Your True Self

Iolite is known as a vision stone. As you’ve learned, this glamorous rock can do some wicked good guiding. Use Iolite to cleanse and balance your third eye. It will give you the inherent insight you need. Guiding you to the truth you seek. Once you feel balanced the intuition you’ve been searching for will flow right to you. You’re going to wonder why you haven’t gotten your hands on this little baddie before.

When all of your chakras are perfectly aligned Iolite steps it the fuck up. Connecting you to inner knowing. Helping you to see who you really are within the depths of your soul. Take a selfie deep dive and find out all the truth you hold inside yourself. You’re going to find out some personal things you may not have even known you had hiding in you. You’re probably saying “um, I am me, I know myself” whelp guess what my spiritual sisters and brothers, you just might not know it all. Listen to your soul, it’s calling.

Let Iolite kick your third eye into hyperdrive. Awakening your mind’s eye from a long slumber can jumpstart your chakra like you had a quad shot latte at Starbucks and slipped in a shot of vanilla vodka from your bag. 

Iolite can also help you to express your true self. Making it super easy not to give a damn what others think of you. Live with your pure form out in the open for all to see. If you seek to find the innermost knowing of your true self then you absolutely need to add Iolite to your collection.

Get Your Mind Right

Now, are you excited about opening up and learning all you can with the help of Iolite? Great! Feel secure in knowing that this crystal was made for you. Find your path, cleanse your third eye and awaken a better you within. The Iolite meaning is different for everyone. The more you work with it the more it will work for you. Use it as a tool for guidance. Let it help you reach deep down in your soul to places undiscovered. Be escorted in the right direction. 

With Iolite, you can bridge the gap between your thoughts and intuition. Making them one with your higher self. Know that with a little help from Iolite, you’ll be alright.


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