Enhance Your Abilities Working With Caribbean Blue Calcite

Welcome land lovers, you have now reached the Caribbean. Set sail on ocean blue waves. Stretch your towel out on a smooth, sandy beach. Soak up those warm rays of sunshine. Take a sip of an ice-cold piñacolda. Let your worries fade away into the palm trees. Take a deep breath and release. Sigh, that was nice, wasn’t it? Sorry to break it to ya but we are, in fact, not in the Caribbean. But with this Caribbean Blue Calcite, you will feel its calming nature whisk you away anytime you need it. With no need to worry about any pesky pirates — not today, Jack Sparrow, not today.

When you are working with Caribbean Blue Calcite you’re working with two crystals in one, Blue Calcite and Aragonite. Score! Feel the vibration of these stones as they dance together to become one. Increasing the energy around you in spectacular ways.

The Fusion

There are three components that makeup Caribbean Blue Calcite. They are light Blue Calcite, light brown Aragonite, and white Aragonite. Separately these crystals are pretty stellar but combined they are what you’d call the shit.

This combo has only recently decided to grace us with its presence. You’re probably assuming this crystal can be found somewhere in the Caribbean. Eh’nt wrong! This masterpiece was found in Pakistan circa 2019. It has quickly become a crystal enthusiast’s favorite stone. I mean look at it, it’s stunning. It just makes you want to close your eyes and drift away. 

Because of its rare locality, this gem blend is suspected to be around for a few years, circulate its way about, and then sizzle down. Leaving us with whatever is left in the rotation that hasn’t been bought up by artists and witchy woo’s. 

Blue Calcite

This crystal is known to help activate your mind. Opening you up to channel your own abilities. Giving you access to your unique skills. Possibly allowing you to enhance telepathy. And even to astral travel. Blue Calcite allows you to elevate your consciousness and experience things in a much stronger way. Helping you to become more clairvoyant. Harness the power to strengthen your inner vision. Access your true psychic abilities.

Brown Aragonite

Acting as a stabilizing stone, Brown Aragonite helps to keep you grounded. It also assists in stress relief, helping you to release issues you’re dealing with. Whether they be from the past or present this stone can help you to rest easy as those worries disappear. When meditating, this stone allows for better communication with higher planes. It helps ground you spiritually.

White Aragonite

The vibration in this stone helps with spiritual purification. White Aragonite aids in calmness and bliss. Filling you with light energy to connect with your higher self. It also helps to provide strength and support related to anger and stress. And additionally, it emanates love, forgiveness, and compassion.

When nature fused these stones together she created one bad bitch. Powerful yet peaceful. Bold yet bashful. Tough yet tender. Working together with Caribbean Blue Calcite can help to bring various kinds of magic into your life.  

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CBC And Chakras

via CrystalCleanHippie on Etsy

Have you been wanting to work on your crown chakra? Then look no further. How about that all-powerful third eye chakra? Yep, you can do that, too. Feeling a little too chatty lately? Don’t worry Cathy, there’s a solution that can clear your throat chakra — stay tuned. This combination mineral helps with a diversity of things. And because it’s so new we may not even know all it can do just yet. 

Blue Calcite acts as a cleanser for energies while Aragonite is a stabilizer. When joined together you can really feel the power of the two harnessing the energy of your chakras. This helps you to be grounded spiritually in the lower chakras. Rising the vibrations of your body and increasing your all-around balance and awareness. 

If you feel you’re over-talkative and can’t let others get a word in, let it help slow you down. Hold a piece of Caribbean Blue Calcite near your throat or wear it as a necklace to free that cluttered chakra. Politely telling yourself to shut the fuck up. 

Amplify your psychic abilities as you connect your crown and third eye chakras. When you work with Caribbean Blue Calcite you are strengthening your intuition. Who knows the possibilities that lie ahead for you once you have activated your mind. Open that gateway up and don’t be afraid to explore. Awaken your sixth sense by exploring the energy of your crystal. Working closely with it to reach realms beyond.

Caribbean Blue Calcite Benefits

via Bluecrystalshop on Etsy

The calm soothing energy that emits from Caribbean Blue Calcite makes it perfect to use during meditation. Set it next to you as you practice and let the soothing nature overcome your being. Decompress your entire body, take yourself back to that dreamy scene from the beginning when we were in the Caribbean. Ah, good times.   

Allow it to make you feel rejuvenated. Caribbean Blue Calcite helps with recuperation and relaxation. When your stress levels are higher than all hell grab this stone and let it settle your body into a state of refreshment. Emerge as a new, more energetic you.

Connect with it. Hold it. Rub it in your hands. Shoot, rub it on your body. Become one with it. Or place a Caribbean Blue Calcite tower near you. Really believe that this crystal has your benefit in mind. Grant its carefree vibrations permission to send negativity’s ass packin’. Once it’s all clear it will then provide insight into your problems to help you resolve them A.S.A.P. 

Rid yourself of doubt and low confidence. You are a shining star sweetheart and you best believe it! This crystal gives you the power to let go of things. Hold it near your chest and say “does this matter?” or better yet “should I really give a rat’s ass about this?” Feel more confident as you increase your self-worth.

It can also diminish anger. Feeling your blood start to boil over certain situations? Maybe you’ve noticed you’re lacking some patience in certain areas. Your roommate is too loud. Every word your sister says rubs you the wrong way. Just the sound of the office phone ringing makes you lose your goddamn mind. Working with Caribbean Blue Calcite brings patience and peace to situations. 

And when you’re done with it, for the time being, place it in or near some water to give it a nice cleanse. This will restore its natural balance. Then charge that baby back up for your next journey together.

Don’t Lose Sight Of This Calcite

So get ready to be enlightened. You are on your way to elevating your consciousness. All the while surrounding yourself with tranquility. You could be about to hop on one rad ride, my friend. Come on, let me show you the way. 

Whether you’re ready to open your mind to your psychic intuition or you’re just ready to calm your nerves, let Caribbean Blue Calcite be your guide. This bodacious bombshell has more than enough healing properties to get you going.

Check out my shop now to get a piece for yourself. Choose a beautiful Caribbean Blue Calcite obelisk of your own, you will find one that calls to you. And remember, don’t risk a hard case of F.O.M.O. (fear of missing out) — the palm stone already sold out! This crystal may not be around forever.


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