12 Crystals for Aries That'll Help You Harness Your Zest For Life

crystals for aries

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and there are a bunch of stones and crystals for Aries that you can work with. The Aries's birthstone is a diamond and also clear quartz. The clear stones will help you to raise your energy to take action when you need to as a leader.

Aries is a Fire sign, governing impulses, initiative, and action. You're always excited to dive into a new project, take the lead and be a pioneer in the creation of something innovative.

Pliny, A Roman naturalist from the first century, thought that diamonds were the most valuable of all of the precious stones in the world. Diamonds form deep within the earth under a lot of pressure and under extreme heat until it's ejected out of the Earth through kimberlite pipes, which are volcanic pipes, to be found by someone.

Clear Quartz, sometimes called rock crystal or rock quartz is a master healer crystal that the ancients that will raise your vibration and energy helping you to integrate your wisdom into this third-dimensional world. It will also help you get clear on your purpose.

The ancient Greeks thought that quartz was ice created by God that never melted.

Clear quartz is the most versatile stone there is as it can be programmed and amplify energy as well as having the properties of being piezoelectric meaning it can turn pressure (mechanical energy) into electromagnetic energy.

Best Crystals For Aries To Wear

If you're looking for more variety in Aries crystals, let's look at some of the best crystals for Aries to wear to tap into your natural gifts.

A Ruby necklace can help you tap into your creativity and fire so you can focus on your important tasks ahead. A Ruby can also help you to find the follow-through you need to get all of those projects that you get started finally complete as Ruby will help you persevere through the entire project.

If you wear a Diamond and Ruby necklace you'll find that the Diamond helps to calm the fiery nature of the Ruby, as well as your own fiery nature πŸ˜‰

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Healing Crystals For Aries

To help you keep yourself energized you may find that Bloodstone is just what you need to dispel any negative energy that keeps you from your work of doing good for your community.

Bloodstone paired with Carnelian will help you within putting yourself first and may assist you in keeping healthy.

Amazonite is a crystal that you'll find will help to soothe your fiery nature and allow you to tap into your intuition that can help you guide your future decisions.

Carborundum (AKA Silicon Carbide) is a man-made creation, but I think you'll enjoy its beauty and find it a wonderful way to attune your seven chakras to the rainbows it possesses.

Aries Crystals For Love

Pink Tourmaline will be your go-to talisman for finding love in any and all of the relationships you have with others, so you can give fully of yourself without your ego getting in the way.

Because pink tourmaline is a heart chakra stone helping to heal any old wounds that you're still carrying as well infusing your entire auric field with gentle loving energies.

Protection Crystals For Aries

While you'll benefit from all of the regular suspects when it comes to crystals for protection such as Black Tourmaline, Jet and Black Obsidian, you may feel that a couple of other crystals should have a spot in your roster of protection crystals for Aries.

Red Jasper will help you to think before you act, which is something you need to be careful of if you find yourself indulging in your competitive nature.

Hematite will also be a good stone to have on hand to keep you firmly grounded in your Root chakra

List Of Crystals For Aries

  • Diamond helps you with new beginnings by helping you to release anxiety and brings you the clarity to aid you on your soul's path

  • Ruby helps you to keep strong during any arguments or disputes that you may have as well as drawing abundance to you

  • Clear Quartz cleanses and enhances anything you've programmed the clear quartz to help you with

  • Bloodstone boosts your courage, it's an energy cleanser, encourages selflessness, helps you to remember chaos comes before transformation

  • Carnelian helps you to tune into your life force, vitality, helps analytical abilities, improves concentration

  • Jasper is a perfect stone for your quick thinking mind so you can tackle them head-on and commit to finishing projects

  • Hematite will help to enhance your memory and learn from your mistakes so you can continue your important work

There you have the crystals for Aries, know that you are a leader, here to change the world and any time that you're looking for a boost to help you pull through your best bet will be to keep your eye out for crystals with red to match the fire within.


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