Crystals and Christianity - Are You Going To Hell?
crystals and christianity
Crystals and Christianity may not be best friends now nor ever, but working with healing crystals when you're a Christian isn't a Fastpass to hell. Beyond the bible mentioning crystals being used in structures and Aaron's breastplate, the key here is that you're not worshipping a crystal when you do crystal healing.
God created everything on Earth and He didn't create anything evil. If you'd want to believe that those of us who use healing crystals are being deceived by demons, then please remove your diamond ring or pearl necklace today.
Wearing a quartz watch? Better donate that, today. Get rid of any technology that you are using right now because there is a good chance that is has a quartz crystal inside of it.
While I'm by no means a scholar of the Bible nor do I understand everything about crystals, I do know that with a bit of knowledge I think you can put your fears of mixing crystals and Christianity to rest.
Bible Verses About Crystals
Did you know that crystals in the Bible are mentioned many, many times? Yes! That same Holy Bible that many a thumper uses to denounce working with crystals. If they cracked open that thing that they thump on, they might have to stop and do some research for themselves.
Here are just some of the passages in the Bible that make mention of crystals and other minerals:
Ezekiel 27:16
Ezekiel 27:22
Ezekiel 28:13
Exodus 25:7
Exodus 28:6-20
Exodus 28:17-20
Exodus 35:27
Exodus 39:9-13
1 Chronicles 29:2
Job 28:18-20
Revelation 4:3
Revelation 21:11
Revelation 21:18-20
I think we can agree the Bible isn't filled with any word salad; meaning that everything mentioned is for a specific reason. God's Word mentions crystals but not only that, there are instructions to use these crystals in attire, in buildings, as gifts.
12 Crystals In The Bible In Aaron's Breastplate
Remember Aaron and his breastplate? It was called the "breastplate of judgment".
Design of the Breastplate
“Then, with great skill and care, make a chest piece to be worn for seeking a decision from God. Make it to match the ephod, using finely woven linen embroidered with gold and with blue, purple, and scarlet thread. Make the chest piece of a single piece of cloth folded to form a pouch nine inches square. Mount four rows of gemstones on it.
The first row will contain a red carnelian, a pale-green peridot, and an emerald. The second row will contain a turquoise, a blue lapis lazuli, and a white moonstone. The third row will contain an orange jacinth, an agate, and a purple amethyst. The fourth row will contain a blue-green beryl, an onyx, and a green jasper. All these stones will be set in gold filigree. Each stone will represent one of the twelve sons of Israel, and the name of that tribe will be engraved on it like a seal."
As for Aaron, the high priest, we could say that he had one of the first crystal grids embedded on his breastplate, but that is for another post. But the purpose of his breastplate was to communicate with God to determine His will.
Was he summoning el diablo?! Dun dun dun.
That's a no.
In another writing I found this about the breastplate:
"The whole forming four rows in a vertical or upright position, with three stones in each row, and thereby representing and signifying the conjunction of all the truths of heaven with the good from which they are derived, and at the same time their high perfection.
Together with the names inscribed upon them, represented all the goods and truths of heaven and the church; that those on the right side (of the high-priest) represented the celestial love of good and the celestial love of truth, or in other words, love to the Lord and mutual love; that those on the left represented the spiritual love of good, and the spiritual love of truth, or in other words, charity towards the neighbor and faith from that charity ; while the three stones in each row denoted the perfection and fullness of each kind of love, from its beginning to its end. This signification arises as well from the colors of the stones, as from their number, which was in each row three.
For as the precious stones in the breast-plate of judgment represented all the truths of heaven, so in like manner they represented all the truths of the Word, but in their literal or external form, and consequently in their effect ; while the different colors arising from the modifications of natural light, denoted the variegations of wisdom and intelligence which may be considered as spiritual light, both in angels and in men. And as the brilliancy and vibrations of the light in the stones, together with the audible voice from off the mercy-seat, presented both to the eye and to the ear of the person inquiring the desired answer; so the same but a more blessed effect is in our times produced by the extraordinary light of divine truth from the internal sense of the Word, which is spiritually seen to irradiate and as it were to vibrate through every part of its literal sense, while, instead of any external voice being heard, the best affections of the heart are excited, and the Divine will is clearly understood." Link
And then we finish with Urim and Thummim:
"Insert the Urim and Thummim into the sacred chest piece so they will be carried over Aaron’s heart when he goes into the Lord’s presence. In this way, Aaron will always carry over his heart the objects used to determine the Lord’s will for his people whenever he goes in before the Lord."
Here's a little aside on Urim and Thummim from Henry E. Dosker:
"Urim and Thummim translate into Revelation and Truth. But most scholars agreed then that they were apart of the divine oracle. A step in the gradual development of divine communication.... But prophecy overlapped the latter."
Identifying the actual crystals in the breastplate is a difficult task because the names they used then for the crystals are different than the names we have for them today.
I did find this website that took an educated guess at what those actual stones were and they noted what the meaning behind those stones was:
The significance of the twelve apocalyptic gemstones is summarized by Rabanus Maurus, Archbishop of Mainz (786-856) as follows:
Jasper stands for the truth of faith, sapphire denotes the height of celestial hope, chalcedony reveals the flame of inner charity, emerald stands for strength of faith in adversity; sardonyx portrays saints’ humility in spite of their virtues, sard represents the blood of the martyrs. Chrysolite signifies true spiritual preaching accompanied by miracles; beryl stands for the ideal act of prophecy, and topaz represents fervent meditation of prophecies, chrysoprase reveals the work of sacred martyrs and their reward; hyacinth demonstrates celestial joy of the learned in their high thoughts and their humble descent to human beings. Finally, amethyst denotes the constant contemplation of the heavenly kingdom in humble souls.
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In some of my other research, here's what I've found:
Carnelian (Powerful stone representing a force of will)
Blue Topaz (Clarity of God's Light and truth)
Chrysoprase (Represents God true love)
Almandine Garnet (To stabilize God's energy and for protection in the Temple)
Sapphire (God's Truth, God's Light, and Deeper Wisdom)
Green Lace Jasper (Healing stone to restore health)
Lapis Lazuli (Representing power and wisdom)
Agate (Used to connect us to God)
Amethyst (Thought to elevate your vibration to the level of God)
Peridot (Representing God's ultimate benevolence)
Turquoise (Represents the balance between Heaven and Earth, ultimate peace from God)
Jade (Strength, endurance, and wisdom from God)
Anyway, back to the topic at hand...
Are healing crystals of the devil?
Here's where the current "authorities" on the topic get it all wrong, in my opinion.
If you're grabbing your crystal that you've named Jerry and you're talking to it like it's a god, believing that it holds miraculous miracles to bestow upon you, then yes... you've gone terribly wrong.
I think we all should know that makes it idolatry, right?
Now, if the "smart" people got their heads out of their you know what* they would dig a little bit deeper.
*(I'm usually a big time cursing chick, but because I know some people who will read this aren't into profanity and I want this information to get out there, I'm refraining the best I can.)
And by digging a little bit deeper, which means ignoring anything said by wackadoo celebs, they would find that there is a scientific case for working with crystals.
The next thing you'll likely encounter is the case that chakras must also be demonic.
These are energy centers in the body that are tied to certain emotions and also certain organs. Can it be scientifically proven at this point? No. You can't prove ghosts exist either, but Jesus stated he wasn't one in the Bible... why would he even mention them? Weird, right?
Back to my point, scientifically crystal healing we're talking about subtle healing energies that mainstream medical science doesn't do.
Mainstream medicine is the Newton version... something's broke, let's fix it.
Subtle energy medicine would follow Einstein... everything is energy, let's work heal the body with it.
That's all, no hocus pocus here.
Does that mean that there isn't someone online proclaiming something magical online about crystals? No. Lots of people claim all sorts of things for their own reasons. We can't fix that.
This makes me wonder that if some point a bunch of people start a group claiming the healing powers of apple cider vinegar... hmmm.
Collecting crystals and Christianity, is it wrong?
Can a Christian collect rock n roll records? It's devil music, right?
I kid. Only some of it is.
Do a search online you'll find lots of people who think they know everything about what it means to work with and collect crystals as a Christian.
Here is some of the silly stuff they'll say:
Crystal healing is just New Age nonsense. How bold to make an assumption… what’s that saying about assuming?
You don't know if the crystals you are using have been prayed over by occultists. Crystals do not absorb negative energies BUT if say if Stewart the Satanist got a hold of a crystal and cursed it, could it not be blessed through the power of Jesus Christ and worked with again?
The use of crystals as charms, amulets, or talismans is a type of occult practice, however benign it seems. Only if you're worshipping the stones and can we talk about the word "occult"?
Look up the word "occult" and you'll find this definition:
supernatural, mystical, or magical beliefs, practices, or phenomena
Last time I read the Bible, there was a whole lot of supernatural things going on in it.
But I get the concern from the religious folk. I do.
The most important thing to think about when working with crystals is to not worship them. Just like you wouldn't worship lavender or other herbs. Or an asparagus spear. But yet, we do use herbs and food, that also grow in the Earth along with crystals, to heal our bodies and no one says a thing about that.
What religion uses crystals?
I don't know.
No, really. I don't but I'm sure you can find it along with all the other religions of the world.
That's not to say that there aren't people out there who use crystals in their own practices that Christians would call the occult, New Age or witchcraft. That happens, but that doesn't mean that everyone who is a Christian, that also works with crystals, is being led astray.
Does everyone that eats an apple instantly become a sinner?
Crystals and Christianity ≠ Satanist
So as a Christian how can you feel good about working with crystals? God made everything good and the only thing you need to be concerned with is knowing that you're not worshiping the crystals, only God.
What I firmly believe, even after being surrounded by all of those witchy people, is that just because a group uses crystals in one way doesn't mean another group cannot.
I'm not trying to convince anyone here that you should work with crystals. I would just like to open some minds.
At the end of the day, open a bible, do some research and find the answer you're seeking. Just because a pastor/a blogger/your Facebook friend/someone told you that crystals and Christianity do not go together does not make it true.
If you've read this post and wondered who is writing this... Hi! I'm Alycia. I'm a Christian that has read the Bible. I used to attend church, I don't anymore as I find it makes me feel like I'm hanging out with a bunch of Pharisees.
Oh, and one last thing… BEFORE you feel the need to send me a message in hopes of guiding me against the use of Tarot cards, divination, or wanting to selectively quote the Bible to me, here are my thoughts on tarot. And if you still feel the urge to send me a message advising me on how to live my life with my God-given gifts, don’t. Just open your Bible, read it and say a prayer for me.