Signs You're A Starseed + What To Do About It
If you've ever heard the term Starseed or the name is brand new to you, I'm going to paint the picture for you so you can determine if you're a Starseed and what to do about it.
What Is A Starseed
A Starseed is an old soul with deep spiritual wisdom, that's been lying dormant, having arrived from other solar systems or star constellations. They've had many incarnations in other star systems incarnating on Earth at various times. The children of these star seeds, the Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow, have incarnated fewer times. They are also Starseeds but not necessarily "new" souls - they've typically had just been on Earth fewer times.
At some point, the Starseeds choose to incarnate on Earth to share their light, knowledge and participate in the planet's evolution to fulfill a divine mission and bring positive change to the world.
The first inkling you may have that you might be a Starseed is that you don't belong here. I've written before about my life as an Indigo (Indigo being a type of Starseed). I've never felt like I belong here, and for years I assumed it to me that I just hate California. Now I know that it's not so much I loathe being in California (although I certainly do hate living here for the moment), it's about Earth is a foreign place for me.
Starseeds are very empathic, and when they activate their powers during a spiritual awakening, it allows them to step into their purpose to do something about the problems they see in the world.
Basically, you're an overachieving spiritual babe, here to remember who you truly are and trust your intuition. You'd do that through dreams, near-death experiences, and other life-changing experiences.
You're being called to shed the programming that you've been taught here, deal with the trauma and loss in your life so you can get on the path of your Soul's growth.
Sounds kind of overwhelming, right? Help the world? I know for me at first I was like, come on, bruh. Me? My little platform in my corner of the internet isn't going to help THE WORLD.
But, when you think about how does change in the world start? By making a positive impact on other people. You don't have to help everyone on the planet; it starts with one person. You are then helping the next person and the next person.
Here's the one thing you must know: just because you are a Starseed, or have an inkling that you may be one, doesn't mean that your purpose will be awakened. For that to happen, you have to choose to allow it to happen by trusting the process, the history you've lived, and decide to take the path less taken.
Starseed Signs
Just like anything on the internet, when you go through and try to figure out something, you will find a bunch of different signs of what it means to be a Starseed. For me? Some of it is just a bit too out there for even me to latch on to. So I will share with you the signs that make sense to me and ask you to keep what resonates and discard what doesn't. Because if we're being honest, there's no handbook for this stuff.
Early on, you were deemed to be a "space cadet." As a kid, people called you out at weird, different, odd - whatever adjective they chose to let you know that you're not like the rest. (Thank GOD!)
You're a wisdom seeker. Always looking to answer those deep questions like "what's the meaning of life?" "Why am I here?" "Why is the word abbreviation so long?" You know those questions that keep you up and make your mind feel like it always has 900 browser tabs open.
You feel like you don't belong here. No matter where 'here' is, you feel like you're always a tourist no matter where you are, but find glimmers of belonging when you encounter like-minded souls who feel the same way.
At times, you can become agoraphobic because going out in the world can be too much in terms of energy, negativity, and disappointed with what we see happening in the world. You will have to force yourself to integrate into society, but always do it on your terms, and along the way, you'll find your community.
You are very intuitive and psychic. Nothing gets by you, and you can spot a phony from a mile away. You've got a way of knowing things that others don't. Sometimes you'll get tagged as a know-it-all or judgemental is you peg a person as a bad seed before they've revealed their real side to the world.
Your empathy can be crippling. You're so empathic that you need to limit your time in crowds or at parties. At a party, you might be the person who seeks out the dog or cat to hang out with because you get each other.
Animals and babies are drawn to you. You find that when there's a baby that seems not to like anyone else at a party, they love you. They know you get it (or at least are on the path to getting it), and because they've recently seen the face of God, they see someone in you that is also connected to the Divine. Animals trust you, and you may find that you're the best damn animal massage therapist that animal has ever met.
You're the epitome of "Mystery Diagnosis." Ever go to the doctor with a complaint and left them confused? They have you take all the tests that they have, and still, they're unable to figure out why you're cold all the time or days of extreme fatigue when you've done nothing to be exhausted over. Maybe it's the random heart palpitations as your heart chakra is rebalancing or the tingling in your hands and feet as your energy continues to align. Memory lapses and headaches happen out of the blue as your crown chakra continues to open. Of course, it should go without saying, see a doctor to make sure you don't have any serious issues going on before you decide you're a Starseed having a Starseed experience.
You're spiritual. Beyond the constraints of religion and orthodoxy, you are eager to learn as much as you can about spirituality and your spiritual path. The path your parents laid out didn't jive with you, so as you become an adult, you've been on a lifelong journey to find out the mysteries of the universe. Which at times has left you with some guilt and shame in regards to learning about that which many would label as outside the lines of traditional religion and inching towards the occult and New Age.
Hidden knowledge + mysteries of the world are your jam. From the Pyramids and the Bermuda Triangle to aliens and ghosts, you're beyond intrigued. It leads you on to ley lines, energy, portals, Atlantis, quantum physics, psychic abilities, astrology, numerology, tarot, and the list goes on. You can't get enough, and you'll never get enough because you have an idea that what's being taught on Earth is a sanitized version of history, and they've got to be hiding something. Right?
Paranormal is normal. You've had an experience with spirits for awhile. Maybe you had these experiences and then shut off your abilities after an experience, or the experiences have never stopped.
If Metaphysics was a topic in high school, you'd been in the Honors class. Once you found metaphysics, or you're new to it, you feel like you've stumbled upon the key you've been looking for in helping you to answer those questions you've been asking all your life. And while I don't think we're ever supposed to uncover all the mysteries of life, you feel like metaphysics makes so much sense that you can't understand when others who don't know a thing about it are quick to dismiss it.
Old Soul in aisle one. People instinctively spill their secrets to you and seek your advice to make them feel better. They may be older than you, but they just know that you'll be able to help. Because you're always seeking the knowledge, you always had some excellent advice to share that can help others when it comes to substantial issues.
Petty bullshit annoys you to no end. People that get upset about the dumbest things in life bother you. They think you're aloof and believe you are better than everyone else. While you shake your head, wondering why they don't seek more profound meaning and invest time in self-improvement. You live beyond the 3D muggle world and find yourself having an aversion to being concerned with the materialistic part of life that so many others are enamored with.
You know you've got a big purpose, but struggle to identify it. I get it; here you are dropped on this planet, become an adult, and know that you're here for more, but what exactly? Discovering what your purpose will require you to lose your ego, tune into God, and forget everything you've been taught here to see your true path.
You're more rock 'n' roll than others. And by that, I don't mean necessarily that you love rock music as much as you genuinely have a hard time with authority, whether it's your boss, the government, society, whoever. You value freedom so much because being enslaved to anything, or anyone goes against what you believe in.
Holistic could be your middle name. You will look for any natural remedy that you can find because you know natural healing isn't a fad. You've seen how alternate healing modalities have improved your life.
Many friends are acquaintances. There are very few that genuinely get you or ever see the whole you. You develop a deep bond with very few here.
You love being of service to others. It's the reason why you're here, after all. Helping others is something you find yourself doing all of the time, even if you know that it may not be in your best interest finding yourself at times being taken advantage of by the takers of this world.
You see repeating numbers. Those repeating numbers, also known as angel numbers, show up when you're beginning to have a spiritual awakening. The more that you pay attention to these numbers, you'll be able to discern what it means for your life. As you take the right steps aligning with your purpose, see these numbers as affirmations or new clues of what to pay attention to.
Types of Starseeds
There are a bunch of types of Starseeds, and to be honest, I don't know them all. It's not like I can order up the Encyclopedia Starseed over here. If you're a Starseed and one of the types I mention doesn't seem to jive with you, there may be a type out there that rings true for you if you do a bit of googling.
Also, as you read these - take them with a grain of salt. Even though I've done hours of research on this, there are no clear cut definitions nor any definitive authority to say this is it, period, end of the story.
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Let's start with the Star Children...
Indigos - the majority of Indigos were born in the 70s. Their indigo name comes from their common aura color of indigo, which corresponds with their 6th chakra, the third eye. They are not new to Earth as some are former star seeds that had incarnated before but chose this time to come in to bring in new ideas.
They have a high IQ, have a strong will, are obsessed with making things fair, refuse to sell out, trust their intuition, and are often edgy, whether it be with their appearance or language, which is in complete alignment with their warrior energy.
Sometimes Indigos are confused about their purpose or never step into it. Their third eye was open early on in life, closed sometime in their teen years. If they so choose, they can reopen their third eye by choice.
Sometimes they find that they have autoimmune diseases or have been diagnosed with ADHD and find it difficult to heal in this lifetime with society's chemical or unnatural remedies. Indigos came here to break down the barriers for the work of the Crystal children.
Indigo children tended to incarnate into dysfunctional families to help them build up their warrior essence.
๐ Crystals for Indigos - Phenacite for your third eye, Tektite for your intuition, Golden Labradorite to help you discover your purpose, and Lepidolite for anxiety.
Crystals - many of the Crystal children are the offspring of the Indigos that began to incarnate in the 90s. They bring crystal energy with them that corresponds with their crown chakra, the 7th chakra, and have a strong connection to the Divine. You can think of them as a human crystal here to bring in a stable, high vibrational frequency.
You'll find that their psychic and telepathic abilities are higher than those of the Indigos. They don't second guess their feelings and are attracted to those with open hearts. They are natural healers and don't have a lot of material needs.
They are also incredibly intuitive. Some Crystal children have been diagnosed with Autism and have delayed speech. They are thought to be operating at a higher frequency where they are telepathically communicating.
The Crystal children have laid the foundation for the Rainbow children and are usually have at least one Indigo parent.
๐ Crystals for Crystals๐- Goshenite for your crown chakra, Prehnite for healing, Datolite for heart expansion and Apophylite for telepathy.
Rainbows - lots of the Rainbow children were born in the 2000s to Crystal parents. Their rainbow energy includes all the colors and their frequencies. Here as natural healers and non-judgemental, they are here to love humanity and restore the balance on the planet.
Rainbow children never incarnate into dysfunctional families as they insist on being in happy homes. They have increased psychic abilities and need to rest more often; otherwise, they tend to get anxious about the state of the world. At the same time, they've reached a level of Christ Consciousness and are the embodiment of it as they've completed some degree of ascension.
๐ Crystals for Rainbows - Dumortierite for your psychic abilities, Sugilite for rest and Rhodochrosite for anxiety.
The star children; Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow, have been surmised to either have originated from the Pleiades and Sirius solar systems.
Pleiadians are loving and have a strong desire to make others happy as they embody the divine feminine energy. They tend to be magnets for energy vampires because they inherently want to help broken people. Their heart chakra is usually their strongest, and their throat chakra is their weakest as they have a hard time expressing their feelings. They may also struggle with self-worth issues.
๐ Crystals for Pleiadians - Green Heulandite to keep you safe from energy vampires, Datolite for your heart chakra, Angelite for your throat chakra and Apatite for self-worth issues.
Sirians are spiritual ambassadors bringing truth to people. The star system is associated with wealth, good fortune, and power.
Sirians tend to have a natural affinity to water and mermaids and dolphins. They may also have a natural affinity to Atlantis, Sumeria, and Ancient Egypt.
They were metaphysicians in past lives, teaching the knowledge to others. As kids, they may have been diagnosed with ADHD as they like to daydream because they find the 3D world dull and unexciting. They have a small circle of friends, even though they are hard to get them to open up.
๐ Crystals for Sirians - Larimar for your love of the water and itโs creatures, Clear Quartz for your metaphysical work and Lepidolite to calm your nerves.
Lyrans are some of the oldest souls and said to have contributed knowledge to Lemuria and Atlantis. They tend to be fearless and upfront, embracing their life here as confident people. They are pioneers and trendsetters and maybe a sort of a freedom fighter. As wisdom keepers, they are drawn to underdogs and wanting to help them win.
They may have a strong affinity for birds and cats.
They're highly energetic and tend to be leaders. They're also adventurous by nature, wanting to learn from many different experiences.
๐ Crystals for Lyrans - Hematite to keep you grounded, Natrolite to help you tap into wisdom, Heliodore for your leadership and Ruby for your adventurous side.
Orions are here to balance their ego with their spirituality. They tend to be unapologetic as they radiate masculine energy. You'll find they've got a competitive nature and perfectionists. They also want all of the knowledge as they are quick learners so they can have more knowledge than someone else.
They've got deep compassion for the planet and can be a bit of an activist. They're also quite sensitive underneath that ego and need time to recharge.
๐ Crystals for Orions - Moldavite for ascension, Fluorite for learning and Red Jasper to recharge.
Andromedans are also believed to be Sumerians and/or resemble ArchAngels. They tend to be nomads and have a hard time choosing where to stay as they desire freedom all the time. So commitments and burdens are not their jam.
They have an affinity for angels and are the rarest of the star seeds. They're to fight injustice and want everyone to express their authentic selves.
๐ Crystals for Andromedans - Smithsonite to help you settle down, Purpurite for your desire for freedom, Herkimer Diamond to help you stay in contact with the Angels, Rutilated Quartz to help you fight injustice and Fulgurite for staying authentic.
Arcturians here to create a better future by being a positive influence on spirituality, technology, science. They are our pioneers helping us to usher in a new future with a focus on stability and sustainability.
They have a natural affinity for sacred geometry and crystals. They know that there are lessons and information to be transmitted to them.
They're logical thinkers, tending to be great teachers and counselors giving solid advice and always point out the details that others may miss.
๐ Crystals for Arcturians - Ametrine for logic, Chrysocolla for teachings and Blue Chalcedony for counseling others.
Starseed Awakening Stages
Life crisis. Whether you get hit with a significant bout of depression, 3D life makes you annoyed, you're feeling exhausted, you have an accident, feel like you're lost, burnt out and over it... some event or collection of events lead you to wonder is this it? And if it is, oh boy... this is gonna blow. Take this as a sign that you need to address what's going on inside, heal the hurt and emotional trauma so you can begin your spiritual awakening.
Beliefs are challenged and changed. You may have been raised to believe one thing, and now you're questioning all of it. Something that you took to be true, after some research, doesn't resonate with you anymore as you start to see things for what they are not as they were told they were.
Slow down, cowboy. You might find that you feel like you're stuck on a highway behind grandma. She's going a cool 15 mph, and you want to floor it, but alas you can't. There's a semi blocking you in. Slow your roll and start reflecting because, in the quiet, you'll find the answers you seek.
Let's get spiritual. Change Olivia Newton-John's song, and you're ready to get spiritual, not physical. Metaphysics starts to excite you, and you become immersed in wanting to learn it all. You will shift your focus from the outer world and your ego to allow the spirit to rise.
Kumbaya of epic proportions. You no longer identify with one side or the other, no matter if it's politics or culture. You'll find that when you pick one side over another, it means that you choose to identify with your shadow self. Your shadow self reveals itself when you see things in others that make your blood boil and are the things within you that you'd like to pretend don't exist. Pot meet kettle. You'll see that you won't be so eager to project things you hate about yourself onto others and embrace the law of polarity.
Clean relationships start with you. You realize that you cannot show up as two different people anymore. You can't show up one way online and a different way at church. You will find that being in a clean relationship with yourself means that you are who you are with everyone. Taking it to relationships with others - honesty reigns supreme. You and the people in your life need the truth, and it starts with you.
Sign, sign, everywhere a sign. Numbers, symbols, sounds, patterns, synchronicities become an everyday thing for you now. AND they help you to continue fulfilling your purpose as confirmation that you're on the right path.
Your purpose becomes clearer. As you're inspired, filled with new inspiration and divine downloads, you start to see the path that was once unseeable. You'll also feel some fear or experience blocks, and this is just the universe testing you and making sure that you've genuinely discovered your purpose, and you're not following a whim.
You are one with God. As you've shed the superficial self where you felt alone and separate, you've now connected to the Divine. There's no religion to bind you, just love that connects you. You see yourself as an extension of the love and show it to others here.
Activate Your Starseed Power
Reject the old programs. Essential to activating your Starseed power comes down to shedding the status quo. While you've been here, you've been taught to go along with the program, and dropping the fear of rejecting the conditions and constructs that society has put in place will be tough. You'll need to focus on fulfilling your purpose and rejecting who your parents and your community told you to be.
Activate the Light within. As a Starseed, you are also a lightworker here to bring healing in some fashion to the world. To share the light, you need to heal the trauma and address the triggers within so that you can continue on your path. Being a victim and identifying with the trauma you've experienced will keep your vibration low, and as you know, to shine your light, you need to raise your vibration. This challenge is one that only the bravest Starseed undertake because once you heal the trauma, the work of self-love begins, and that can be another terrifying chapter for some.
Find your purpose. Not everyone will find their purpose. Some people have no desire, and others are too afraid to uncover it, let alone live it. When you begin your journey to rediscover your purpose, you might find it hard. Harder than understanding calculus, at times. Your mission will require you to shed some of the labels that you or others have applied to you, step back from the distractions, and energy vampires to seek your purpose. You may find that your purpose lies in paying attention to where your mind wanders when you're not busy doing the 3D life here and asking yourself how you can help the world.
Forget feeling comfortable. Growing and learning require you to get uncomfortable because you're going to be pushed to the learning edge. The learning edge requires you to go outside your comfort zone and get more comfortable with not having all the answers and feeling the fear when you're being nudged to do something you've never done before.
Being in service. Living the life of a Starseed requires that you be in service of love and truth to help others get out from under the weight of spiritual and energetic oppression. Sounds pretty deep, doesn't it, but what does that even mean? Someone might need you to help them, and at first glance, they may be coming to you for a haircut (or whatever it is that you do), but magically there will be so much more that goes on in the relationship. They will naturally feel that you understand, and you can help them to make progress in their life. It's never just a haircut or a cup of coffee; it begins the flow of love from you to them so they can be more, too.
One of the biggest obstacles to stepping into your Starseed experience is trusting that you have the answers within. And knowing that you are a Starseed gives you a new piece of knowledge to help you in gaining wisdom about your purpose.
p.s. I had a client recommend this lady for Starseed origins. I havenโt booked a reading and this isnโt an endorsement nor is this an affiliate link, but if youโre interested you can check her service out here.