Invigorate Your Love Life: Rhodonite Meaning & Tips

Pink is more than just a color. It’s an attitude, a feeling, and for some, a way of life. Basically pink is a whole ass mood. Rhodonite gets that. It takes its sassy pink self and fills your life with love, encouragement, compassion, and so much more.

Are you searching for something in life and just can’t grasp it? 

Are you looking for some smokin’ hot love’n? 

In search of a way to help you forgive someone you care about? 

What about finding a way to ground yourself? 

Look no further than Rhodonite. This mysterious beauty queen can help you with all of this...and even some things you didn’t realize you needed help with

Pretty in pink and ready to rock (no pun intended), Rhodonite comes packed with vibes that work hard to leave your heart open for pure affection. And while she’s at it she’s going to kick negativity’s ass right down the block. Sit back and get ready to fall in love with love as Rhodonite shows you the way.

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Rhodonite Healing Crystals

Rhodonite was discovered in 1790 in the Ural mountains of Russia. They first named it Orletz, meaning “eagle stone” when they noticed eagles would take pieces of it and fly it up to their nests. Pretty damn majestic, right? The eagles felt its powerful vibes and wanted to keep that energy close. 

Locals loved the idea and figured the birds were on to something special. After all, animals have a sense humans don’t always experience. They took the idea and began putting pieces in their babies’ cradles. Rhodonite’s magic surrounded the babies and all was well in the world. Ok, maybe not the whole world but those babies were vibing.

via JMIMPORT on Etsy

Then they one up-ed their metaphysical game. They started to give it to travelers as protection on their journeys. They believed the deep and lasting effects from this stone would help during long travels.

Today Rhodonite is mined in many places all over the world, including Massachusetts USA. Even becoming the official state stone in 1979, though it was changed in later years. 

The name Rhodonite stems from the word “rhodon” which is Greek for rose. According to Wikipedia, the color rose is halfway between red and magenta. This is a perfect name because this gem has a mix of light and dark pink shades blending throughout the stone. Throw in patches black as night for a dramatic effect and voila! 

The color mix gives the feeling of love and kindness with the vibrant pink. But also depth and struggle represented by the black splotches. Think Avril Lavigne in her 2007 “Best Damn Thing” stage. But don’t worry, the splotches are just there to remind you of what you’ve been through and how you got past it. No mediocre pop songs required.   

Rhodonite healing crystals clear those emotional wounds and scars from the past and help fulfill your souls’ true purpose.

Rhodonite Meaning When It Comes To Love

This rock is one of compassion. It makes it easy for you to forgive. Yep, even that thing that happened that time with your friend at that place. You thought you could never forgive her. Whelp, this makes it easier to deal with. Helping you to move past that drama wholeheartedly.

You’ll go from bitching to besties in no time.

And when it comes to love, bringing a balance to your emotions and really opening up your heart can heal so much pain. Don’t be afraid to put it all out on the table. 

If your relationship status is “it’s complicated”...again… and you just can’t figure out why, turn to Rhodonite. Working with this stone can create a connection between your heart and mind to figure out what the underlining issues really are.

via SilverEnchantments on Etsy

Do you look at your ex and think “was I drunk the whole time?” How did I even accept this gag sacking poop sniffer’s behavior? First, let me give you a big ole virtual hug, proud you got rid of that fuckface. Second, here’s some advice, you need to heal from your trauma in order to change your path. If not you will continue to fall for the wrong person time and time again. This little stone can have a big impact in helping you heal.

Want someone to look at you the same way as you look at chocolate cake? Then you’re ready to find your true love, and I mean truly ready, team up with Rhodonite. This sweet thang is pumping with vibes that encourage you to follow your heart. It balances your heart chakra to attract love and ground negative energies. Ensuring the love you are about to receive is pure.

The effects of this stone and the Rhodonite meaning are deep and lasting. When it comes to love, that’s exactly the type of power you want backing you up.

Rhodonite Healing Properties

Rhodonite contains manganese. This is a mineral needed for the normal function of your brain and nervous system. For us, it’s mostly found in our bones, liver, and kidneys. When you use this precious healing stone you get a little extra oomph of manganese love.

Because it contains this mineral it is considered one of the best healing stones for injuries, cuts, and bleeding wounds. 

It is also commonly used to treat stomach ulcers. Lay down and place it on your stomach when meditating to calm the ulcers and soothe your pain.

Rhodonite is also used to aid the treatment of auto-immune diseases. Add working with a piece of it to your daily treatment and see the ways it can help you out.

Tips For Use

  • In Feng Shui Rhodonite is traditionally placed at the south end of the room. It will use its energy to boost your life at home and enhance your standing with your family.

  • Wearing it on a daily basis will keep your heart chakra connected to your root chakra. This is known to attract a partner into your life.

  • Sleep with a piece under your pillow to allow your dreams to deliver messages to you.

  • If you place a Rhodonite on your solar plexus chakra and a piece of Rhodochrosite on your heart chakra you will enter a state of complete relaxation and inner awareness.

via WizardCrystal on Etsy
  • Hot debate: Rhodonite Vs Rhodochrosite - Lots of people confuse these two stones. Feuds have been had, friendships lost, battles commenced, all in the name of these rocks. Or so I’ve heard. But let’s get things sorted out. Both of these beautiful stones contain manganese. Both are usually opaque and often used for jewelry. Basically, the names and colors are confusing as hell which makes some people lose their minds.  Rhodochrosite is pink with white or grey wobbly bands running across it. And as we know, Rhodonite is pink with intense black patches. Make sure when working with these stones that you have the right one in hand.

  • Meditate with it to help clear away your past and uncover your heart’s true desires.

  • DO NOT cleanse it in water. It will begin to dissolve. Instead, use the smoke from a sage stick to get that bad juju off.

  • Use a Rhodonite altar slab for more power. Surround your entire space with its healing vibrations.

  • Placing a piece on an insect bite or sting will help soothe it.

  • Use during yoga sessions to bring you back to center during stressful times.

Listen To Your Heart

If you’re ready to see the world through rose-colored glasses — but in a damn good way — get you a piece of Rhodonite. Forgiveness and compassion are in your future. Your very near future. Like in a few seconds. Just go to the top of the page.

Till then brace yourself because you’re about to stimulate, clear, and activate your heart in a brand new way with this healing stone. No more questioning if what you’re doing is right. It clearly isn’t. But with your new friend Rhodonite by your side, you can feel confident that your energy will be grounded and balanced and you are ready to nurture your love life.

Get ready to achieve your heart’s highest potential!


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