Adios Bad Vibes - Remove Negative Energy By Smudging


There are times when it is necessary to remove negative energy in a home. And I'm not saying that smudging is only appropriate for people who have just finished using an Ouija board. When you live in this world just minding your own business, you never know when you're going to encounter a person or go into a place that has negative energy that seems to get attracted to you. 

Anytime that I burn sage in the house I have to contend with my family annoyed with the smell and fake coughing ensues.

I try to sage when said family members aren’t around now just so I don’t have to hear it, but obviously, if they don’t like it, it must be working right? 😂

The interesting thing is that if you're a positive person you will attract negative energy at some points in your life because a positive force will also draw a negative charge to it.

If you're an empath or an indigo adult then you're also likely to attract the emotional vampires of the world because as a natural-born healer those vampires are drawn to draining your energy. Beyond putting boundaries in place, smudging is an easy method to remove negative energy from you and your home.

So, What Is The History About Sage and Smudging?

Sage is an herb known in Latin as Salvia which means to heal. It has been used throughout the ages for culinary and medicinal purposes.

Egyptians used sage for fertility. France used sage in tea. It was used by the Romans in their food to help them easily digest fatty foods as well as using it to preserve meat. The Chinese used it for digestive issues and nervous system issues.

Common sage is used in cooking while white sage is used for sacred purposes.

Did you know that white sage has antimicrobial properties? A 2007 study showed that burning sage for an hour decreases the level of air bacteria by 94% and the results lasted 24 hours after you smudge. Pretty cool.

White sage has been used throughout history for cleansing and purification purposes. I find that I feel the need to burn sage when I feel like the vibe is getting a bit too much of Debbie Downer for me.

Beyond feeling that you’re feeling a down, when is the right time to smudge with sage? The first answer that comes to mind, is any time. But you may find that if you’d like to add it to your design service offerings, then these cases may apply.

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When Should You Smudge To Remove Negative Energy

Depressed, Criticizing, Complaining People

Maybe you’re living with people who are constantly complaining or criticizing everyone and everything. Maybe there is a bad relationship that fuels negative energy. If you’re living with people who are bringing the energy down and feeding the negative energy - a good smudging will clear the air.

Stale Energy

If you feel like you are in a state of meh, can't figure how to move forward in a positive manner and nothing is changing for the better, then smudging the space could be the answer. 

Bad Juju Furniture

Sometimes furniture can hold negative energies can attach themselves to furniture. Whether it’s an antique that’s purchased and you don’t know the history of the piece. Or it’s some mass-produced piece made in a factory by someone who hates their life and does everything with Pissed Pisstofferson energy, you’ll find that cleansing the piece will clear the air.

Previously Owned Homes

When you buy a home you may not have any idea of what happened in the home. Highly charged emotional conversations or fights will leave residual energy in the home. The remnants of those events can imprint themselves into the natural materials within the home. If you want to learn more about this theory check out the ‘Stone Tape’ theory.


Renovations seem to stir up energy that appeared to be dormant before. If you believe, like me, that sometimes homes can become the space that spirits tend to dwell in when they’ve passed on then you may be familiar with the idea that the spirits that resided there aren’t down with change. Once changes happen to the structure then the spirits tend to make themselves known. This is a perfect opportunity to make peace with them.

Sleep Problems

If you’re having trouble sleeping, smudging can increase the negative ions that encourage sleep.

Selling A Home

Beyond staging a home to sell, you may want to smudge the home to cleanse the space for whoever will be the new occupant.

How To Smudge With Sage

I've covered the basics of how to smudge with sage in this blog post. Beyond, you may be wondering what you should be saying as you smudge. 

"With this smoke, I release all heaviness and negative energies within my home, be banished into the light as only good and light is allowed here."

Where To Buy Sage For Cleansing

When it comes to buying sage to remove negative energy you want to make sure that you’re buying ethically harvested sage. There are farms that wait until the plants are matured to begin harvesting them in a sustainable way so we can continue to enjoy the benefits of sage.

Will White Sage Help You?

You could ignore the negative energy but it will continue to build up even if you're the most positive person on this planet. That is why it is an important task to do on a regular basis. 

I firmly believe that burning sage will help you to remove negative energy because as a holistic interior designer you are more than likely to encounter some type of bad energy in one way or another.

If you or your family members are either not into the scent of burning white sage you may try Palo Santo which has a sweeter smell. 

If any type of smoke solutions are out as an option, then you may want to try Sage Smudge Spray or picking up some black tourmaline to place within the home at the entry and the corners of the residence as well as outside your home and in the 4 corners of your property.


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