How To Store Crystals + Organize Them Easily
Figuring out how to store crystals and minerals can become quite the endeavor when you're looking for the PERFECT solution.
While we'd all love to have those large, wooden chest of drawers to store our mineral collections in, but you'll find that they are hard to find. Or they’re beyond my budget.
And we know the only reason you're trying to figure out how to store crystals is that it's becoming evident that you're becoming a hoarder. It's okay; I'd like to be the first to welcome YOU to the group.
But even before you become a crystal fiend, it's a good idea to find a storage solution for your crystals because it'd be a shame if your crystals start to fade or rust all because it wasn't cared for properly.
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The Wrong Way To Store Crystals
Some crystals are fragile, and you need to look up the crystals that you collect to see if there is something that could eventually damage them.
For instance:
Selenite can dissolve if it gets wet
Lepidolite and moldavite can fracture in hot water
It's always an excellent idea to research any crystal you add to your collection to learn how to store it properly. Including checking the MOHs hardness scale, which will tell you about the hardness of the stone and give you a big clue to how fragile it is. That may then tell you that the organza bag isn't going to be the best solution.
How To Store Crystals If You've Got A Small Collection
How To Store Crystals
There aren't any rules when it comes to exactly how you store your crystals if you're looking for either a practical solution or a pretty one.
You can use organza bags or velvet pouches (best for tumbled crystals that aren't easily scratched)
You can use cardboard jewelry boxes or even ones like these or these (best for delicate or very unique crystals)
You can use any wood box or wood bowl (best for crystals that are tumbled or aren't easily scratched)
Get a vintage printer tray (best for any crystal but may require a cover to keep the dust off of them)
This Ikea drawer unit could work with jewelry boxes inside, too.
All of those choices are great for the beginner crystal collector. However, I think that this solution that I'm sharing further down is the hands-down best way to organize your crystals when your collection is growing.
You could use those methods I just mentioned; however, old printer trays aren't practical to me unless you're going to turn it into a table with plexiglass on top. And that's assuming all of your crystals will fit in every spot. Of course, you can hang them on the wall until you run out of wall space, but until you get to that point, these options work well.
Strategies to Organize Crystals
Before you use my method for storing and organizing your crystals, you'll want to nail down your system.
When my collection was small, I used one box and put them in the box with no rhyme or reason. The biggest mistake I made was not adding the identification card to each slot... because while we like to think we've got a flawless memory when it comes to crystals, you don't want to rely on your mind in the beginning. Trust me.
You have a few choices to organize your crystal collection...
By Color
By Chakra
By Crystal Family (Quartz, Fluorite, Amethyst)
By Use (physical, emotional, energetic, or medical)... many crystals have many purposes, and this one could get tricky unless you've got multiples of individual crystals, and you're not neurotic about complete sets being all together like me.
Rough/Natural or Tumbled/Polished
Here Are The Best Storage Boxes For Healing Crystals
I know you've seen the adjustable plastic divider boxes. I've found that the dividers are flimsy or don't stay in place. Which, if you've got a bunch of teeny tiny chip crystals, you'll find your crystals spilling over into the next spot.
Once I bought these plastic boxes, I was hooked...
They are made by Darice and I believe they are intended for beads or embroidery floss. But if you've got a rather large collection of tumbled crystals and stones that are starting to take over every flat spot you've got, you're going to want to invest in these.
Of course, this is not the solution for you if you only have large crystals.
You can stack these boxes on top of one another and put some stickers on the box (on the face of it) if you've got a massive collection you're trying to keep track of. You can see I started doing this, and then I got myself an app. More on that app later.
Now, I organize my crystals according to their color. For instance, I've got a box full of pink and purple crystals. When I need a specific crystal, I head over to that box and look to my homemade cards on top to grab the one I need.
how to organize crystals
storage boxes for healing crystals
storage container
Homemade Crystal Identification Cards
I bought myself a Silhouette paper cutting machine and wondered if I could come up with a solution for organizing my crystals without having to use a cut-up index card that sat below each crystal.
While that solution totally works, it also means that if your crystal takes up most of the divided box spot, you then have to pick up the crystal to see what your card underneath says.
Creating these identification cards has been a time saver when I’m looking for a specific crystal.
All I did was grab some white textured cardstock paper 8.5” x 11” and cut these out on my Silhouette machine. I made sure to include a score line so the little flaps fold over precisely. However, because I’m NOT an expert paper crafter, the top left hand and right hand corner needs a bit of squishing to get them in there as the Darice boxes have slightly rounded corners.
If you’d like to grab my template for your paper cutting machine… buy it here.
If you have a Cricut or Silhouette machine, you can use this template to cut out crystal identification cards for your Darci plastic storage box.
How To Inventory Your Crystals Digitally
I now document my new crystals in an app as opposed to what you see earlier on, where I started putting numbers on the front face of my boxes that I was beginning to use in conjunction with a spreadsheet. That, folks, is a chore that you'll most likely not want to start.
I use Sortly to snap a picture of my crystal, enter its official mineral name, document where I bought it, how much I paid, and tag its color in the notes. You can add whatever notes you'd like that are important to you.
While it's not cheap, it works really well, and when you're out looking at new crystals at a shop to bring home? It comes in handy when you've found yourself buying multiples of the same crystal because your collection hasn't been documented.
onyx eye
app organize crystals
How To Store Crystals For Your Growing Collection + Sanity
Decide today that you will find some way to document each crystal that you have, what it's used for, and how much you paid for it.
Of course, you can keep the crystal in the bag or box it came with, but I would also suggest that you also keep the identification card with it (or make one). At some point, you'll have two of the same crystal that looks nothing alike, and you'll drive yourself bonkers trying to figure out what the heck you've got. And then you'll eventually create your Unidentified Crystal zone for those crystals that you hope to get identified one day.