6 Gemini Crystals For Your Charming Life
gemini crystals
The Gemini crystals that you'll find most in tune with are Alexandrite, Citrine, Chrysocolla, Tiger's Eye and Aquamarine. You'll find the Gemini's birthstones of Pearl, Agate, and Tourmaline tell your story of how you intrigue us all.
Your Gemini energy inspires all as you have the gift of communication whether it is written or spoken. Some may call you a Chatty Cathy, which is true, but not everything that you embody.
You value the connection you find in others and have a unique way to make others feel valued. If you have the opportunity to get into a deep conversation with others, it sends you over the moon.
At times, though, you need to learn how to be okay with feelings that make you uncomfortable and you don't have the words to express what you're experiencing. Because we know you have the ability to persevere and endure hardship with grace, which we look up to you for.
Gemini is an air sign meaning you have the innate ability to communicate, as we've mentioned, but also to see both sides of any situation.
Crystals For Gemini
As a communication master, you'll find that Agate is a great choice to overcome any tendency that you may have to speak without thinking about consequences. Agate will also help you to discern the truth, yours and others.
Agate, a variety of banded Chalcedony, is a member of the Quartz family has been described as a gateway to a higher dimension. Their slower and steady vibration will prove to be a stabilizing force in your life.
Pearls have been loved for ages for their magical powers and during the times of the Roman Empire, anyone that had pearls or multiples was seen as very wealthy people.
Pearls are not "crystals" as they are not minerals, but considered highly valued as a gemstone.
There's even the story of Cleopatra betting Marc Antony that she could host the most expensive dinner party. She proved it by breaking a pearl off of one of her earrings, dropping it in her wine glass and swallowing the pearl. Today that Pearl would be valued around $6 million dollars!
Pearls will bring you emotional healing and are a symbol of all the wisdom you've gained through your life's experiences.
Tourmaline is a crystal that brings you protection, clears negative energy and helps you to understand yourself when you feel as if you can't find a way to reconcile your inner and outer personalities. It will help you, as well, when you tend to want to go off in too many directions.
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List Of Crystals For Gemini
Alexandrite brings you luck, good fortune and encourages you to take risks. Citrine is a stone to aid you in your creative pursuits and helps to balance your subtle energy bodies.
Chrysocolla will aid you in communication and help you to accept situations that are in a state of constant flux.
Tiger's Eye has been a traditional talisman of those wanting to have a stone to ward off ill will from others.
Aquamarine will give you courage should you ever feel too shy to share your opinion and helps quiet your mind.
Pearl can help you go with the flow when change is on the horizon.
Agate is a stone of subtle grounding energy that helps to find an intellectual balance. Tourmaline will purify your energy field and form a protective shield around your aura.
These Gemini crystals will help you to become the best version of yourself so that you can continue to foster conversations in your community.
Your inquisitive nature and an insatiable desire for knowledge will be balanced with these Gemini crystals as they help you connect with your deeper purpose.