Crystals For the New Year
A new year is here, and it's time for a new beginning - and crystals for the new year will help you start off on the right foot.
While I've never been one to stick to New Year resolutions for long, it doesn't stop me from setting up some new crystal practices to get my year off to the right start.
Selenite For Bright, Cleansing White Light
My first crystal for the new year is Selenite, for you to detach yourself from the energy of the year we've left behind. Selenite is an amazing stone to help you cleanse those webs of energy connecting you to old ideas, old ways, and people you're not interested in connecting with in the new year. Selenite raises the vibration and clears out the negative energy while infusing your space with higher vibrations of peace.
Fluorite For Epic Cleansing
Next, we need to get our minds focused on our new goals and new ways of thinking, which brings me to Fluorite. Fluorite, the psychic vacuum, is a perfect crystal for the new year to wipe away the negativity energy and cleanse your mind, body, and spirit. Fluorite will help you find clarity when everything seems confusing, especially when you're ready to set goals that are important to you.
Carnelian For Your Power Boost
The New Year is also a perfect time to dream bigger than you ever had before - and that can be scary. So, when you need a boost of confidence to do what you’ve always wanted to do, then a Carnelian is one crystal for the new year to have on hand.
Carnelian is also great for getting your introverted self out there to meet new people, make friends, and make plans with friends. Always great to hold when you know you should reach out and connect with people, even when your fear gets the best of you.
Ametrine To Say Adios Bad Habits
If you're focused on breaking your bad habits, then you will want Ametrine in your New Year's crystal bundle. Ametrine is great for breaking bad habits and addictions, but once your bad habits are gone, don’t worry! Ametrine will continue to help you as you gain mental clarity and the energy to stay on task as it seals your auric field, keeping your energy yours alone.
Sunstone To Stokes The Embers Of Promise
To keep you warm and uplifted in this New Year then, grab your Sunstone. Sunstone is a stone that stokes the embers of creativity and inspires new confidence to make decisions that help you to live your purpose courageously. As you set your sights on realizing your unlimited potential, you'll realize that nothing is too difficult to overcome with Sunstone.
Moonstone For New Beginnings
Moonstone connects you to your intuition, helping you to discern whether the goals you’ve set for yourself are for your highest good, as well as helping you to find emotional stability in times of change that can be unsettling.
Moonstone helps focuses your mind on the new beginnings happening in your life. It will help you see the possibilities and the changes you can make and take those amazing opportunities as your own.
Of Course, You Need Quartz
Quartz is a stone everyone needs in their bundle of new year's crystals all year long. Clear Quartz can be programmed to help you achieve whatever your heart desires by amplifying the energy of your intentions and the energies of all of your crystals in its vicinity. It’s an excellent crystal tool for all your energy needs.
These crystals for the new year are your allies in raising your energy to match the energy of your big dreams.
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Learn crystal healing inside the Manor.
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