Alycia Wicker

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What Are The Crystals For Psychic Abilities?

When it comes to working with crystals to enhance your psychic abilities, you can believe I've got a few crystals for you.

Before we get into that, let's talk about psychic abilities because I think there are some myths out there about them.

Is everyone a psychic? In the broad sense, if we're talking about tapping into our intuitive abilities, then I will say yes, how those psychic abilities manifest will be different for everyone.

I think the confusion in society begins with the assumptions of what psychic abilities are truly about. Most of these assumptions have been clouded by the Miss Cleo types (if you're old like me) or by seeing the bright, sometimes flashing, neon signs of a roadside stand.

I know, ever since I was a kid, I was told that these psychic shacks were run by frauds looking to steal money from people. And yes, some of them probably are. Hell, I could point to a fraudster in an industry if we're honest here.

I also know that there are people who give readings that are full of complete shit and only do it to gain attention because I've seen it with my own eyes.

Then there are the endless jokes and silly assumptions... like why didn't the psychic see that coming or why don't they pick winning lottery numbers?

Look, we live in a world where there are people that fall on one side or another side of every issue. I'm not here to convince anyone of anything. But I'm sure you're not here looking to get convinced, you just need to know more. So let's get to it.

Types Of Psychic Abilities

The five "Clairs" are different types of psychic ability where the word 'clair' means 'clear.' The word that follows 'clair' speaks to the psychic ability.

You may have one of these or many of these 'Clairs.'

Clairvoyance speaks to the ability to "see" things in your mind's eyes. Sometimes you may see short movies or imagery flashes on the movie screen in your mind, aka your mind's eye.

I think the reason I became an interior designer was that I could see a room completed in my mind's eye. This is a natural psychic ability for artists, designers, and photographers.

Clairaudience speaks to the ability to gain information by "hearing" it. I've heard voices for years, but not because I'm ready to be sent off to a padded room.

I've rarely heard these "voices" outside of my ear like you would from a real person. It has happened from time to time, but most of the time, I hear and have those conversations in my mind.

Other times I hear songs or different sounds that have no physical source.

Clairsentience speaks to the ability to "feel" what's going on. Most people have this ability but don't always tune into it. Maybe it is a gut feeling on a choice that needs to be made or sensing the energy of that Nasty Nancy that just walked into the room.

If you have this ability, you can easily tune in to people's energy, making you a natural healer.

Claircognizance speaks to the ability of "knowing." This would be like a warning or merely knowing something without any reason to know that.

I'm sure you heard of people with dreams where they'd seen events before they happened, such as not boarding a plane that later crashes.

Clairalience speaks to clear scent like smelling a cigar or perfume when there is no physical source of the smell.

I find that I have experienced this most frequently in antique shops and old buildings. Although, I did smell the cigar smoke in my home (which isn't very old) after my dad passed.

Clairgustance speaks to tasting something that you're not eating.

I have never experienced this one, and I believe it to be really rare. This could be a spirit attempting to communicate a memory related to meals you may have shared together.

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What Crystals Help With Psychic Abilities

Edgar Cayce said that a person could work with Azurite (which he called "Lapis Linguis") to raise their psychic vibrations. He suggested that Azurite was what the crystals were that we know from the Bible as Urim and Thummim on Aaron's breastplate. He said that wearing a pendant or holding the stone in your hands for 5-10 minutes would be enough to notice an amplification in your psychic abilities.

But also warned about not wearing Azurite 24/7. Oops! I've been guilty of that, and the only reason I can figure out why you wouldn't want to do it is that you don't want your psychic abilities on all the time because you're liable to become ungrounded.

Other stones that Cayce recommends include:

  • Lapis Lazuli - helps you get direct access to spiritual guidance

  • Pyrite - grounding energy to help you find a balance between this world and the invisible one

  • Malachite - penetrates the auric field while turning on your psychic abilities

  • Calcite - revitalizes yoru psychic abilities

  • Sodalite - an epic and affordable stone to heighten your intuition

  • Chrysocolla - will help you with lucid and intuitive dreaming

When it comes to finding crystals to aid you in developing your psychic abilities, you probably will find yourself naturally drawn to individual crystals. Those crystals may or may not be related to a specific strength, but if you're drawn to the crystal, maybe your internal guidance knows better? Go with it and see what happens!

Crystals for Clairaudience + Clairsentience

  • Celestite - helps communication between yourself and your spirit team

  • Chalcedony - your "phone" to call on the invisible realm

  • Dumortierite - turns on inactive psychic abilities

  • Lazulite - activates the third eye chakra and all psychic abilities

  • Purple Chalcedony - awaken the psychic ability within that's ready to emerge

  • White Topaz - encourages you to accept guidance from your spirit guides

Crystals for Clairvoyance

  • Adamite - the facilitator of connection to spirits that have passed to the other side

  • Angelite - the stone of your guardian angels to connect with the guidance that you need

  • Moonstone - the high priestess stone to help you discover the hidden truths

  • Halite - activation for your third eye and crown chakras as well as purifying your auric field

  • Merlinite AKA Indigo Gabbro - will help part the veils between what you can see and what you cannot see

  • Natrolite - prime your third eye and crown chakra for activation

  • Shattuckite - perfect for decoding signs from spirit no matter your psychic ability strength

Miscellaneous Crystals for Psychic Abilities

These are somewhat I would call general use crystals to help develop your psychic abilities.'

  • Iolite - perfect for meditation and seeing the details in your mind's eye

  • White Sapphire - helps channel high-frequency energies

  • Petalite - helpful to enhance your clairvoyance abilities

  • Pietersite - activates your third eye chakra and your intuitive abilities

  • Covellite - connects your 3D energy with the etheric plane energy

Sodalite on AlyciaWicker

Covellite via GeorgiaGemDesign on Etsy

White Sapphire via SanofsunGems on Etsy

Pietersite via dreamshop19 on Etsy

Angelite via WonderCrystal on Etsy

Petalite via APTradingCo on Etsy

Iolite via NewMoonBeginnings on Etsy

Shattuckite via EarthsAncientArt on Etsy

Natrolite via APTradingCo on Etsy

Merlinite via SilverEnchantments on Etsy

Halite via Gemsofhumanity on Etsy

Moonstone via WonderCrystal on Etsy

White Topaz via EnlightenedStones on Etsy

Adamite via CrystalEnclave on Etsy

Purple Chalcedony via RockArtists on Etsy

Lazulite via SeryphMinerals on Etsy

Dumortierite via SilverEnchantments on Etsy

Chalcedony via MayaDevidesign on Etsy

Celestite via KellyBelleCrystals on Etsy

Chrysocolla via StarSeedCenter on Etsy

Calcite via Humblelovingsouls on Etsy

Pyrite via EarthsAncientArt on Etsy

Malachite via EnergyPeace on Etsy

Azurite via NewMoonBeginnings on Etsy

Lapis Lazuli via GemAvenueUSA on Etsy

How To Use Crystals For Psychic Abilities

There are many ways to use crystals. By whatever way you choose, you'll move into resonance with the higher vibration of the crystal. Why? Whenever a crystal is brought within 4' of your energy field, your various energy frequencies will entrain with the stable frequency of a crystal.

Place Crystals Around Your Home

The easiest way to work with crystals is to be surrounded by them by placing them throughout your home. If you're working on a specific intention, such as growing your psychic abilities, then you can curate the collection of crystals that you surround yourself with for one month. See if you don't notice a difference by being in the presence of a crystal stable energy frequency.

Wearing Crystals

Wearing rings or pendants with crystals intended to raise your psychic abilities, your frequencies in your auric field will align with the crystals that you choose.

And if you don't want to wear crystals, you can put them in your pocket or in a medicine or mojo pouch you wear as a necklace.

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Meditation With Crystals

If you're ready to feel the energy from a crystal, meditation is an excellent way to develop synchronicity with it. And believe me, I know that meditation is difficult because trying to stop the 24.7 loops of mental chatter is harder than opening a box of Mac N Cheese.

But you may find it easier to start a meditation practice by closing your eyes and listening to a guided meditation. You can find tons for free on Youtube. Or you may choose to soften your gaze while looking at the dancing flame of the candle.

Whatever way you choose to get into a state of receptive, you only need to hold the crystal in your left hand with your right hand covering it.

Holding Crystals

As I just mentioned, holding the crystal in your left hand with your right hand covering it is the way that I was taught. The left side is considered the receptive hand.

Thousands Of Choices Of Crystals For Psychic Abilities

There are endless possibilities when you go looking for crystals to work with to develop your psychic abilities, or at least 4000 that we know of as it stands today. I hope you'll explore some of the crystals that I have mentioned or even start with clear quartz as you can program it to help you enhance your psychic abilities.

If you have a go-to crystal that helped you develop your psychic abilities, tell me in the comments!