Top 7 Crystals for Communication — Finding Your Voice
Let’s start with a little story…
crystals for communication
Your boss emails you to do something extra before you leave for the day, it's 4pm and you were just getting ready to wrap up. You know you are swamped and you won't be able to get to the task without rushing or doing a bad job. In your mind you play out what you are going to say…I would be happy to get started on that first thing tomorrow morning…blah blah…etc. etc.
5 minutes later you are standing in your boss’ office, with your spiel in mind. Then you hear yourself say, “Sure, I would be happy to get that done before closing up today.”
What just happened? Why did what you plan to say actually come out as the complete opposite?!
This has happened to all of us. Whereas there are many reasons we don’t always find our voice, it still can be very frustrating when our words don’t match our inner feelings and intentions! To help combat that is why I'm sharing the top 7 crystals for communication and finding your voice.
Honesty, Lies, And Speaking Your Truth…
…What if you could re-have some of your conversations from the past, how would the events unfold differently? Part of being ourselves in the world is expressing our thoughts, emotions, and feelings through the way we communicate.
Of course, there are times when we won’t want to share our entire perspective maybe we don’t want to hurt someone's feelings, maybe saying what we feel will only make a situation worse! But knowing when to speak up and when to shut up is half the battle in trying to conquer communication.
Our throat chakra, located at the neck, is the energy center responsible for communication if you feel your voice is trapped inside, locked away, and you are afraid to speak up…then you have come to the right place.
Some crystals can have an immense benefit in our communications. The vibrations can help us open and respond to situations without reacting or worse over-reacting. How many of you are prone to over-reaction…raise your hands…it’s okay we can all be honest here. Being honest with yourself is the first step to finding your voice.
Below you will find my recommendations for the top 7 crystals for communication. Here we go!
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Top 7 Crystals for Communication
You will notice that many crystals on this list are shades of blue, that is because metaphysically blue is associated with speaking truth. Try writing out your goals and aspirations in a blue pen instead of black for a while and see if you notice any changes in your life!
1) Azurite
The first crystal on my list is the bright-eyed and bushy-tailed Azurite. This stone is a vivid, bright blue — reminding me of crystalline indigo eyes. It is a very delicate crystal and can crumble and break easily, so never put this one in water!
What Does Azurite Say?
I am psychic
I am open
I am deep
Azurite is an amazing stone for opening up your spiritual and psychic pathways. It works with you to soften your third eye and make it more receptive to visions, information, and sensations. This crystal allows you to gain confidence in speaking up.
This is a great stone if you are working on your ‘clair’ abilities such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircognizance, and clairsentience.
How to Use Azurite
Azurite is best used in meditation, held right over your third eye. Its vibration can be quite strong when getting to know it, but once you are used to it, it will become a familiar friend. It deeply enhances spiritual practices and its blue color is related to truth, therefore it helps you seek answers from the divine and allows you to speak with integrity.
Another way to use this stone is when having difficult conversations. It has a way of cutting through the shit and clearly revealing what mysteries need to be solved.
2) Chrysocolla
Chrysocolla is a blend of sea green and deep turquoise blues. It has the most exquisite color and gentle power similar to the ‘Strength’ card of the tarot. This crystal makes for stunning jewelry and display pieces because of its rich color. It is, of course, also excellent for communication which is how it made it onto this list.
What does Chrysocolla say?
I am transforming
I am amplified
I am articulate
Chrysocolla is pure magic. Its vibration is clear and direct. This stone helps transform your thought process and dissolves self-limiting beliefs.
Chrysocolla can be used to amplify your voice in order to help you speak with your true intentions and organize your words. Just be mindful of what you are hoping to convey with this stone…as the truth will come out. Real Housewives drama could use this stone (or maybe they did use it?)…as Teresa and Caroline Manzo seem to have some major beef…truth, lies, and who said what!
How to Use Chrysocolla
Chrysocolla can transform the way you speak and project your thoughts into the world. It is like a mysterious and beautiful butterfly, giving it a unique energy signature. This stone can be worn in a pendant around your neck for the most amplified effect. It can be set in rings or other jewelry and worn as a constant reminder to speak up and speak out!
This stone will help give you confidence on your creative path along with being one of the crystals for communication. A piece should be near anyone’s desk who is a reporter, journalist, blogger, or writer as it allows you to see the truth and convey what needs to be shared with others. It helps get your message out there with wisdom and imagination.
3) Aquamarine
Another, blue stone on the list! Wait…maybe all of these crystals are blue? I did say blue is the color of communication. Okay, so Aquamarine, has long been associated with communication, this crystal is delicate and charming. It is typically a watery translucent bluish/green color.
What does Aquamarine Say?
I am soothing
I am calming
I am courageous
This crystal is very helpful for finding one’s voice. It is able to transmute angry and negative energies so you can convey your thoughts with clarity instead of rage. When we are upset it is so difficult to actually say what we mean. This stone works wonders to combat that and bring the energy back down to communication worthy levels.
It also helps you to find the courage to let go of harmful and limiting emotions that may be blocking your ability to communicate or get your needs fully met.
How to use Aquamarine
Aquamarine can be used like other crystals on this list, like pendants and jewelry. It makes a great pair of earrings because it can balance and cleanse your energy field and works well when placed near the mind to combat strain or struggle.
It also is an excellent stone to have near your shower or bathtub, as this stone loves the water…I mean it is implied in the name if you didn’t notice. The watery nature of this crystal can help you metaphorically ‘wash away’ and cool down overheated emotions. Imagine what needs to be released as going down the drain with the rest of the water as you shower.
4) Amazonite
Amazonite is a deep turquoise green crystal with powerful mystical energy. The vibration of this stone is amplifying and magnifying. Its structured shape makes it very useful for working with enhancing practical elements related to achieving your dreams and aspirations. It helps you speak your goals into reality.
What does Amazonite Say?
I manifest
I solve problems
I harmonize
This stone is great for anyone aspiring to manage their own spiritual business or healing practice as it helps you manifest with your words.
It’s harmonizing energy makes it perfect for working through difficult emotions with clarity and balance. The intensifying action this stone can produce will allow you to speak your truth and say how you want events to unfold in your life. It puts you in control instead of life controlling you.
Amazonite will enhance your visions, meditations, and dreams. It will help you download information from the universe that will be useful and insightful for you to know. This stone works on the throat chakra and also the heart, therefore, it can bring what you feel in line with what you say.
How to Use Amazonite
Amazonite has a unique balancing and harmonizing principle, allowing you to be objective and see all sides of a situation. It is great to bring along if you are battling legal issues or anytime you have to mediate a tense situation or conversation.
If you are struggling with a particular issue then let Amazonite reveal what needs to be done through your dreams. Place a piece of this crystal under your pillow at night, before you go to sleep suggest to yourself that you will remember your dreams and the symbolism that comes through. When you wake up in the morning, take notes about what you saw or experienced in your dreams for greater insight into your situation.
5) Blue Kyanite
Blue Kyanite is a pale blue crystal that comes in fine layers, that can flake off, kind of reminding me of a pastry (okay, gluten-free one). It ranges from opaque to translucent. This stone is absolutely amazing for so many things! It has a ton of uses, including enhancing communication abilities.
What does Blue Kyanite Say?
I am spiritual
I send messages
I am telepathic
This crystal is absolutely essential for telepathic and mind development. It has a really fast vibration and invites a lot of positive energy and insight. Blue Kyanite works on the mind and can help align the chakras in your auric field.
It is a highly spiritual stone that allows you to embrace and integrate all levels of your psyche for greater awareness. As a stone of communication, it helps you sense what others are thinking in addition to being able to send them loving and positive vibrations. It can help you send the messages you want to send, with clarity and spirit in mind.
Blue Kyanite is also well known to help with lucid dreaming and astral projection. If you are held back because of fear, it helps you feel protected and guarded on your spiritual journeys. It opens up your consciousness for greater wisdom and visions of truth, acceptance, and love.
How to use Blue Kyanite
Kyanite also comes in green and black which can be combined with blue for increased effects. Blue Kyanite should be used for energy and soul alignment. It can be used by crystal healers by waving this stone through the different energy centers of the body. Alternatively, one could wear the stone for constant vibratory effects for aiding in speaking one’s truth.
This crystal can also be worn at night to improve dream recall and messages that come through in this way. Information, mostly emotions, can be sent back and forth between 2 people using Blue Kyanite.
6) Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli has been prized throughout the ages for its exquisite beauty. Royalty from all over the world has used this crystal to decorate their palaces and tombs. This deep blue indigo crystal often speckled with pyrite is an excellent stone for communication. It helps you find your voice even in the direst of circumstances. It has a strong vibration and puts off a frequency of authenticity.
What does Lapis Lazuli say?
I am intuitive
I am royalty
I am divine
This stone helps activate the mind and intellect. It can open you up to your own wisdom, learning, and inner knowledge. Lapis Lazuli helps you communicate with your highest authority, whether that be your ‘god-self’ or divine spark. Everyone seems to have a different term for what this ‘higher self’ can be. Either way…Lapis Lazuli opens you up to this truth.
It works on your third eye, allowing you to experience life through a visionary and expanded perspective. This is an excellent crystal for growth experiences related to finding your voice. It can help you practice speaking with honesty, authenticity, and truth. This crystal allows you to take on leadership roles with wisdom.
How to use Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli is actually great for interiors, especially to enhance design elements. Its use in palaces and by royalty makes me feel like this stone gives off a sense of exclusivity and value, helping you to remember to treasure yourself.
This crystal can augment what is already within you. Having this crystal physically present in your home decor or workspaces can help you build up your abilities and can help you manifest your sincere voice.
Meditating with this crystal can also be exceptionally insightful and eye-opening. If you are a visual person or aesthetically minded then I highly recommend Lapis Lazuli!
7) Apatite
The final stone on my list for the best crystals for communication is Apatite, this comes in a blue or green variety, each with a unique vibration. The reason this crystal is good for communicating is that it helps you relax and release stress. In addition, it gives you access to divine knowledge. If you are needing support from a ‘higher power’ or something outside of yourself then this crystal can put you in touch with this energy.
What does Apatite say?
I am relaxed
I am flexible
I am transcendental
This crystal has a strong frequency and is excellent for connecting you to truth and wisdom. Like the other crystals on this list, it typically activates the throat or third eye chakra to aid you in communications with others. Apatite helps you see patterns and arrangements of energy. For spiritual practitioners, it can help alert you to the areas in someone’s energy field that needs healing and alignment.
How to Use Apatite
Apatite should be used on your altar or within a crystal grid pattern — when laid at key points within the pattern it can metaphysically mirror where you need to be more flexible and open to divine intelligence.
It can help you soften areas of stubbornness and rigid perspectives in order to find your voice along with knowing the words you want to say. In the hopes that you can avoid awkward moments and social tension!
It can help you increase confidence by letting go of old hang-ups, stagnant or outworn beliefs. Sometimes you just need a little push to let that shit go.
And Finally…
As you may have noticed many aspects of communication are related to what is happening in the mind, at the third eye chakra, in addition to the actual words and sounds that come forth from our throat chakra area. Both of these areas are concerned with truth and perspectives that reject false assumptions, identities, and ideas.
When working with these crystals many of the messages that come through are symbolic, dream messages, or downloads from the universe. Our job is to turn that into words! Pay attention to these impressions you receive in your mind, as they are the key to unlocking and finding your voice. These has been my top 7 crystals for communication, which ones are your favorite chatty stones?