Alycia Wicker

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Best 6 Aquarius Crystals For The Rebel Inside

Aquarius Crystals

The best Aquarius crystals for the rebel within include Garnet, Amethyst, Angelite, Amber and Hematite to help you bring your insights to fruition.

Because you're the rebel that can't ever follow the crowd (thank God!) you're ready to sweep away the old and bring in the new era. As you chart a new way with your forward-thinking you'll need to allow the rest of the world to catch up to you at times.

As you blaze your new path, be careful to not get burned out. With that being said you do need to make time for yourself and keep your energy balanced.

Aquarius Birthstones

Amethyst is the purple member of the quartz family said to guard against drunkenness and guard against addiction.

Amethyst is a naturally calming stone to help you balance between looking to start a revolution and not leaning into irrational feelings that could move you farther away from your purpose in this life.

It will also help you with bringing your dreams in closer alignment with the Divine and how to make those dreams come true.

Ancient Egyptians used Amethyst amulets for protection but also during their prayer time.

Garnet wards off the evil eye that you may get from the people who don't understand your visionary ways. But let those people be because you've got important work to do and garnet will help keep you focused.

Garnet will also encourage you on your life path to use your rebel ways in terms of enlightening others and remember that your purpose is always in the service of others.

Associated with the Root Chakra will help keep you grounded so you don't get carried away with your dreams.

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More Aquarius Crystals

Angelite will help you get guidance from your angelic team aligning you with the ethereal network. It will also help raise your awareness and intuition to see others’ way forward to make your purpose become a reality.

Angelite is said to rejuvenate your energy when you're feeling depleted. It also aligns with your throat chakra helping you to communicate when you're stuck trying to translate your thoughts into spoken word.

Amber isn't an official crystal as it doesn't have a precise crystalline structure, but it is petrified tree sap. It is said to be a powerful stone that aids those looking to bring magic into the world. Work with it in all of your creative pursuits in the making of something beautiful and unique.

Amber is also to said draw out negative emotions and help absorb the pain from emotional trauma.

Onyx, a black gem, has received a bad wrap when at one point it was associated with black luck. So with that, people didn't want to touch or own it because it would bring personal misfortune.

But the wise alchemists and mystics knew that it wasn't a bad stone that had to be avoided. They could see that Onyx transforms negative energy and aids you in growing your stamina to follow through.

Jasper, a form of chalcedony, that's protective. The different colors that Jasper comes in offer different assistance. Red Jasper calms anxiety, Yellow Jasper offers protections, and Green Jasper aligns with your heart chakra.

Look to Jasper to help you to unite all parts of your life in a harmonious way. Jasper also aligns all of your chakras and energy.

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List of Aquarius Crystals

Amethyst is a stone of protection and helps to calm your mind.

Garnet helps you get your vision out into the world and repels negativity.

Angelite is the stone of awareness and facilitates communication with your spirit team of angels and guides.

Amber will help you sharpen your thinking and release energy.

Onyx transforms negative energy and helps you to integrate the dualities of thought.

Jasper aids in quick thinking and helps you to see your dreams come true.

All of these Aquarius crystals will help you live your non-conformist lifestyle which at times can be unpredictable. Even though you live in your head quite a bit, look to work with the Aquarius stones to keep you in Earth's orbit as you share your radical visions for the world with the rest of us.