Is Celestite An Underrated Crystal?

I used to pass on Celestite because it seemed like such a meek crystal that wasn't full of power. Boy, was I wrong.

Celestite, also called Celestine, is a crystal that can be many different colors but shades of light blue are what many associate with the name Celestite. The pale blue variety comes from Madagascar, but can be found in the USA, Egypt, Great Britain, Mexico, and Peru.

Celestite grows in granite and pegmatite rocks as well as in geodes.

Celestine gets its name from the Latin word caelestis meaning celestial which many of us connect to the heavens or sky above.

Fun fact: Celestite is the main source for the element Strontium which is used in making fireworks because it burns bright red.

Celestite Crystal Healing

Celestite is a high-vibe and gentle crystal. I think sometimes we associate high vibe with intense, but you'll find that this is a stone to help you if you like to tip-toe into spiritual work.

This stone could be seen as the talisman for the New Age helping to jump-start your spiritual development. You can look forward to having your eyes opened, your thoughts clear while your worries melt away leaving you ready to experience nothing as you've ever experienced before.

If you've already started your awakening, don't pass on Celestite just yet.

Celestite has the amazing ability to heal your heart, melt pain and bring in love. When it's time to lighten your load and lighten the mood, you can be sure that this stone will bring a lovely time out from the crazy world we're living in.

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Via SpringSparkles on Etsy

Is Celestite Toxic?

Yes. Do not ingest or use when creating crystal elixir. I mean think about it, the main element is used to make red fireworks you surely don't want that in your body.

Can Celestite Go In The Water?

Yes, but it is slightly soluble in water. So take care in leaving it in water for an extended period of time. Also, be careful with this crystal because it is soft and brittle.

What Is Celestite Used For + Celestite Benefits

Celestite is great for many things like:

  • Looking to connect to your angelic team

  • Expand your creativity

  • Help you find the courage to speak and say the tough stuff

  • Calming and balancing

  • Helps with deep, healing sleep

  • Decreases negativity

  • Accelerates your spiritual development

  • Brings mental clarity

  • Helps with dream recall

  • Facilitates astral travel

  • Brings inner peace

Where Do You Put Celestite?

It depends on what you're looking to achieve with Celestite. There are so many benefits to working with Celestite you'll find it's a multi-tool in your crystal healing kit that you'll love to work with for many purposes.

  • If you're looking to get back to restful sleep, place it under or next to your bed.

  • If you're looking to connect with your spirit team or accelerating the growth of your spiritual gifts, then place it where you do your spiritual work.

  • If you're looking to accelerate your creativity, place it in your art studio or wherever you create.

  • If you're looking to write or speak your thoughts, set it next to you where you do this work.

  • To do chakra work, place Celestite on or touching the chakra you're working on.

  • If you're seeking to open your third eye chakra, then lay down, place it on your third eye, close your eyes and repeat a mantra about enhancing your intuition such as, "I trust my intuition."

  • Hold your crystal during meditation.

  • Place anywhere you'll want to

Celestite Chakra

Celestite, like other blue crystals, is associated with your throat chakra. Your throat chakra is associated with you being able to share your thoughts and opinions as well as facilitating communication with higher heavenly realms.

But you'll found that beyond the throat chakra, you'll find it will also help you with your third eye and crown chakras. It's a powerful stone to help you when you're ready to expand your psychic and intuitive abilities.

Via HealingWithNatureAZ on Etsy

Via HealingWithNatureAZ on Etsy

Celestial Celestite

Via AscensionQuest on Etsy

How To Cleanse Celestite

You can get a paper towel with water and wipe down the crystal. If youโ€™ve got a price tag stuck on it, put some vinegar on a paper towel and let the tag residue soak a minute, then try removing again.

Even though Celestite looks like a sweet lil crystal, donโ€™t let that fool you. It packs a powerful spiritual punch.


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