Alycia Wicker

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Get Shit Done: Load Up On Crystal Caffeine with Vanadinite

Have you been staring at a project you started last week but just don’t have the energy to finish?

You just tiptoe around it so it doesn’t spot you and guilt you into completion.

Eventually, you’ll be sticking it in the closet to “finish when you have the time.”

Well, those days are gone, my friend! Forget energy drinks and coffee breaks, placing Vanadinite around your home or workspace gives you that push you need to get things done —without the bathroom breaks and heart palpitations.

But first, let’s learn a little about this pick-me-up of a stone.

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What is Vanadinite

Via WisdomQuartzCo on Etsy

Occurring as an oxidation product of lead ores Vanadinite is an absolutely stunning crystal. We usually see this beauty in the form of red hexagonal crystals protruding from the rock. Sometimes looking like more of a caramel hue and others are found in more of a brownish-red.

If you look at this gem and think “wow that’s one badass babe”, you’re right. Not only does it look gorgeous on a shelf in your living room but it works wonders in your space. Vanadinite has the ability to help with a variety of things ranging from your lungs to your libido.

Before you handle such a sexy stone it does come with a warning. The lead in Vanadinite can be harmful. If absorbed into the bloodstream lead is extremely poisonous and sometimes deadly. Before you freak, let me explain what this means. If you grind this crystal up and inhale the dust like you’re backstage at a Motley Crew concert then you should probably take your ass to a hospital. If it’s chilling on your desk you’re going to be perfectly fine. All you’ll take in are those precious vibes.

This is also one of those crystals you don’t want to get wet. The Vanadinite crystal is part of the apatite family which means placing it in water would make it toxic. If you’re heart just dropped and you’re screaming “but I’d love to make crystal water with that!” fear not. It’s still possible if you use the indirect method. Place your Vanadinite in a jar and then place that jar in water. This will keep your crystal and your elixir safe for future use.

Call It Crystal Caffeine

Crystal Caffeine

Let’s get back to the ways Vanadinite can give you the swift kick in the ass you need to get the ball rolling. Have you felt sluggish lately? You just can’t find the energy it takes to get simple day-to-day tasks done.

Then get to know Vandanite. Meet it, love it, give it a nickname, introduce it to your mom, whatever it takes to form a relationship with it. Sleep with this crystal under your pillow and wake up ready to go full throttle. No need for coffee with this gem on hand.

Do you often find yourself sitting at your desk daydreaming about Jon Hamm’s hammaconda? We’ve all been there. Vanadinite is here to chase those dreams away. Just during office hours, of course. Helping you to focus on the work you need to get done. Your boss can thank it later.     

You’ve probably got a long list of shit to do. Grocery shopping. Getting your car washed. Answering emails you were avoiding. Figure out dinner for four when everyone wants something different. Sometimes a busy day can leave you scatterbrained. Vanadinite helps clear your mind making it easier to focus and get shit done right. Studying into the wee hours of the night. No problem. Up early for a Zoom meeting. Vanadinites got your back. Providing you with an energy boost and the clear head you need to keep on truckin’ — without having to start a pesky meth addiction.

The Power Of Vanadinite

Power in the mind

Toss out your old mindset. Let the powers stored in this stone reconstruct your thought process. Banishing outdated ways of thinking and rebuilding them for the better. Adding flair into your thoughts and sparking ideas like never before. Vanadinite breaks down mental blocks stopping you from getting things out. Perfect for writers, pen-pals, and list makers alike. 

Maintain focus and achieve your goals effortlessly with a piece of this crystal nearby. The mind is a powerful thing. Sometimes it just needs a little kick in the ass to get it jumpstarted. Vanadinite is that kick. 

It’s also a great tool in meditation. This puppy shuts out surrounding noise so you can stay in the zone. Even helping to open your psychic abilities. If you’re ready to journey into the unknown and see what abilities are hidden inside of yourself this crystal is a must-have.

Place it next to you as you meditate and let its vibrations flow through your body. Awaken your mind allowing your psychic potential to escape. Already psychic? Enhance the crap out of your ability. Put a piece of Vanadinite near you when you’re channeling so you can get in tune quicker. 

Power in the body

Perfect for use by herbalists and nutritionists, Vanadinite is an effective stone to heal the body. It aids in the absorption of iron. It’s also used for people with health challenges that break down the body. Acting as a vessel, this stone is said to contain the disease in itself. Only a badass bitch could do that. Trust in the healing properties this stone could hold for you. 

If you have difficulties breathing (like an asthmatic) this stone is a necessity for your collection. Vanadinite helps congested lungs get the release they need. So if you keep this vibrant stone in your space don’t worry, you can breathe a deep sigh of relief. 

Vanadinite also helps to maintain proper bladder function. So don’t get your diapers on just yet, grandma. First, get a Vanadinite chunk and place it in your bathroom. Notice how all your bladder-related problems trickle away.     

Chakras And Vanadinite

Via TheConsciousCrystals on Etsy

If you’ve been saying to yourself “ blah blah blah get to the damn libido part already” relax, you’ve reached lovers lane. Vanadinite is here to ignite the passion within you. This sexy crystal is connected to your sacral chakra. This chakra rules your genitals making it the perfect stone to keep by your bed when you’re in the mood for a little loving.  

Let it help you out if you haven’t really been in the mood lately. Maybe you’d rather grab a pint of ice cream and watch true crime documentaries all night instead of making love with your partner — or a stranger, no judgment here. Let Vanadinite stimulate your sexual desire. Rev up your engine because this stamina-enhancing stone is going to have you ready to go all night, baby. You may even need to get a fan for your nether regions after all that fun you’ll be having.

Vanadinite aligns all your lower chakras. It keeps your root, sacral, and solar plexus chakras strong and vibrant. The healing energy living within it keeps you grounded and connected to Earth through your root chakra.

Here’s a fun fact: if you find yourself experiencing fear out of nowhere, it’s likely that your root chakra is out of whack. This will work like a charm to help banish that fear. Helping to keep you balanced and open. 

You’ll also feel comfortable in your own skin. The solar plexus chakra is where we hold how we feel about ourselves. We’re all beautiful but we don’t always feel it. Put a little nug of this confidence enhancer near the area you use to get ready for the day and release the queen or king within. Find solace in yourself and your surroundings. 

Get The Heck To It

Whether you’re looking to get up and at ’em, align your lower chakras or get in some more sexy time, Vanadinite is the solution for you. Keep its strong presence close and watch how you do the damn thang with ease. It’s not only striking to gaze at but the benefits it can add to your life are plentiful. Put this crystal on your nightstand, on your vanity, at your desk, and any place you spend a lot of time at and enjoy its powerful vibrations. 

I bet you feel encouraged to get shit done, huh? Get yourself an extraordinary piece of Vanadinite and feel that crystal caffeine work its magic within you.