Alycia Wicker

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5 Pisces Crystals For The Mystic Inside

Pisces Crystal amethyst

The best Pisces crystals you can have on hand are Amethyst, Jasper, Sugilite, Fluorite, and Tiger's Eye to turn on your psychic powers.

Pisces, you're our most sensitive of all of the Zodiac signs. Sensitive because you're very emotional and sensitive because you're very intuitive. You can see BS coming a mile away and if someone needs your help, you'll be there in an instant.

Pisces Birthstone

Amethyst is the purple crystal of royalty and spirituality. It's a very popular crystal that you can find easily and will help you open up your third eye and hone your intuition.

Amethyst radiates peace and enlightened energy. Tap into Amethyst's purple aura for restful sleep and connecting with your spirit guides in your dreams. It's an essential stone for empaths, psychics and energy workers to have.

Jasper is a stone for nurturing and Pisces, you may be the Zodiac sign that will benefit you the most so you can regulate your emotions. It will help you with feeling confident in your psychic abilities and the courage to convey your thoughts.

Jasper will also help you with grounding yourself because if we know your upper chakras usually chug along just fine once you begin to trust them, but you also need to make sure that you are grounded so you have an uninterrupted energy flow.

Pisces Crystals

Sugilite is a stone of healing. It works to help with healing your body as well as helping you to enhance your intuition if you find yourself doubting your gifts.

Sugilite is a powerful crown and third eye chakra stone that helps connect you to Source energy. And as a healer, you'll find it to be your favorite talisman.

Fluorite is known as the psychic vacuum cleaner that can suck up the negative energies within your auric field. It is also a helpful ally in connecting you to your spirit team.

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As a highly protective stone, Fluorite will help you to dissolve those repeating habits that aren't helping you in living your life's purpose. It will also help you to learn the lessons that you need to learn in this lifetime.

Tiger's Eye will help you ground your energy and sort out the thoughts in your mind that can race about like cars on a track. It's a protective stone that will help you in accomplishing goals.

It will also help you with any issues of self-worth and calm the critical self-talk that you may have. You find the compassion that you need for yourself and a talisman of discernment of any of those sticky thoughts that come to mind.

NaturalRockShop - Sugilite

CentralBlackStone - Jasper

RissaRaeMoonstone - Tiger's Eye

EnergyPeace - Amethyst

YellowTreeCoShop - Fluorite

List Of Pisces Crystals

Sugilite for healing and intuition.

Fluorite for cleansing your auric field.

Tiger's Eye for discernment and confidence.

Amethyst for intuition and balance.

Jasper for nurturing and grounding.

The crystals for Pisces will help you enhance your intuition, level out the emotional roller coaster you sometimes ride and help you to tune into this world, from time to time.