Alycia Wicker

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2020 Numerology

2020 Numerology

2020 is a 4 year in numerology and it's going to be a year for you to take a hard look at where your life is now and what you want it to look like for the rest of your life.

Let that sink in a moment. Where in your life do you know you need to make changes? How do you want your life to look differently? What do you really want your life to represent?

Number 4 Year in 2020

The number 4 is about encouraging you to look at the areas in your life where you need to do the work to lay the foundation so you can create the life you want in the years to come. 

Just as a home needs a strong foundation you also need a strong foundation for your life including your mind, body and spirit. But, this will require you to get real honest with yourself. 

Basically? This is the year to hunker down so you can live the life of your dreams.

As the year unfolds, you will need to follow the vision you have for your life where you need to contemplate who you are, who you want to become and what you believe and reconciling it all into the vision for the future.

What To Do in 2020

Get Organized - now’s the time to organize your life and stick to doing the stuff you’re supposed to be doing. If that’s taking back the reins on your time or putting more structure in your life, now is the time.

Declutter - Out with the old and in with the new. Throw out or donate old clothes, junk and anything that you do not need.

Create A Vision - So you can keep your dream life in the forefront of your mind, create a vision, a strategy and goals that you want to achieve.

4 represents stability, order, responsibility, peace, practical solutions, and manifestation. Now, this year of 2020 is the time to committing to getting shit done, be fully invested in the co-creation of your future by doing the work this year to build your dreams.

And don’t worry, you’ll also find that during this year you'll have the energy to focus on what matters with additional strength and fortitude to make it happen. All you need to do is commit by saying yes!

Personal Year Numerology

Along with 2020 being a 4 number year, you also will have a personal year number. Every year you will have a new focus and to figure out your personal year add together your MONTH of birth + DAY of birth + with the CURRENT YEAR and voila!

For instance we’ll use July 6 as the example.

July = 7

Day is 6 = 6

2020 = 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 4

Add those together: 7 + 6 + 4 = 17

1 + 7 = 8 making 8 the Personal year number.

Now that you know what your Personal Year number is you can lay the groundwork and make decisions based upon overarching themes for the year to come.

1 Personal Year - New Beginnings

What do you want to see grow?

This year is about your unactivated potential as you step into a year of new beginnings. The potential you see ahead is limitless and now is the time to plant the seeds for what you want to see grow in the coming year.

If you’ve got any unfinished business left over from last year, be sure to tie up the loose ends before you start planting the seeds for the future.

2 Personal Year - Patience

How can you continue to trust your intuition?

For you, this year will be about being faithful to the seeds you planted last year with patience at the forefront of your mind. This year will be slow-moving and you may feel like you’re taking two steps forward and then three steps back which means you can’t rush anything this year.

It’s also a great time to cultivate relationships and create deeper connections seeing this as a time of giving of yourself and time to others as you plant the seeds for the years to come.

3 Personal Year - Creativity

How can you integrate creative solutions into your life?

This year will be about self-improvement and learning how to better express yourself as you’ll find there are many ways for you to achieve. You’ll want to cultivate your creativity and discover new ways to solve problems that you haven’t tried in the past.

4 Personal Year - Foundations

How can you achieve your long-term goals?

This is your year to commit yourself to lay the groundwork and committing to putting in the hard work as feeling secure in your future is being created this year.

You may encounter limitations that you need to bust through, whether those are personal mindset issues or items related to career, health, and finances. Now is the time to clear the brush away so you achieve the goals you have in mind coming up.

5 Personal Year - Change

How do you need to embrace change to feel free?

You’ll be thinking bigger when it comes to your goals and at the same time, you’ll be experiencing change around every corner. Nothing is set in stone and just when you think you’ve got everything settled, something new will pop up and will require you to think bigger while maneuvering towards the change you seek in your life.

You need to be resilient as you move towards achieving your goals as opportunity pops up and anticipate the changes.

6 Personal Year - Compassion

How can you show love to yourself and those who matter?

You’ll need to make a conscious decision on taking responsibility to nurture yourself. You may need to regroup or reassess how you tend to yourself, family, and your home. This is a year about taking stock of all of your relationships and see what is working for you and what isn’t.

7 Personal Year - Wisdom

How do you need to facilitate transformation in your life?

Now is the time to make the deep dive into your inner self, taking the time to gain wisdom as you explore your soul’s calling so you can be ready for the next year after you’ve done a ton of soul work. You’ll be looking at how you show up in the world and how you need to adjust so you can embrace who you are fully.

You’ll need to find the balance between what you see and what you intuitively know as well as acknowledge any self-destructive tendencies you’ve placed in your own way and find a better way to treat yourself.

8 Personal Year - Prosperity

How can you gain the courage to manifest what you want?

You’ll be stepping into the person you were born to be as the past years you’ve been getting to know more of who you are on a soul level. That time of preparation has led you to this year where you’ll need to use all the information and growth you’ve pursued in the years leading up to this one and hit the ground running.

Believe in the infinite possibilities! You’ll also find the energy of this year is one where you’ll finally feel empowered to control the seemingly uncontrollable situation of the past that would have sent you through the gigs.

9 Personal Year-End of Cycle

What can you let go of what you no longer need to make room for what you do need?

This is the end of your nine-year cycle and everything is up for review. You’ll be looking to what you can let go of now and now moving forward even though you won’t quite know exactly where you’re going.

Now is the time to embrace the changes coming and find this to be an invigorating time in your life!